My experience of bulling


In life every people once or many times bullied but others. It can be physically and mentally. And it can be occur in school, family, roadside or it can be occur in social media also. In a single sentence bulling means harassing, abusing others or intimidates, or coerces people. Generally Powerful people bully the weak one and most of the case they bully other intentionally and there could be many reasons of it. The reason can be personal revenge, humiliate, show the power of themselves and sometimes they bully others just for their own satisfaction. I am not talking too much about it here because I think everyone acknowledged about it.

As I said everyone has at least one incident being bullied by others. We can't remember every incident of it but few incident exist always in mind till the death. So I also have a incident like this which occurred with me in childhood although it was happening with me for several years in that time. So i am talking about it here .

My bulling incident


I belong to a middle class family. In the beginning of life i spent 2-3 years in my grandmother's ( mother's mother) house because of some family issues. I came to my house after 3 years of my birth . That time i didn't understand anything and as a little kid it was quite normal. As i grow up i started to understand that my grandmother ( father's mother) don't like me to much. After a certain year i am able to understand it. I understood that my grandmother ( father's mother) heated me just because my skin colour was not white as they. She never support me in any case . She always try to find a reason to blame me. Many times i got punished because of others( cousin's) mistake. It doesn't matter who did the mistake, she used to blame me.

She really disturbed me enough mentally in that time but i couldn't say anything because she was my grandmother. She mentally tortured me very much although she realised her mistakes later. Later means 7/8 years later 😂.

It was my incident of bulling by others.

Stop bulling others


Some people get satisfaction bulling other. I think is one kind of mental problem of them. I think they never understand the feeling of them whom they are bulling . It create distance among us and it manipulate us to take revenge in the future if we get any opportunity. And we all know that revenge is a non stop process. So the better thing is stop bulling others and give proper respect to them to make a beautiful world.


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