It's hard to mention everyone

The year 2023 is already finished and it's the second day of 2024. 1 year means 365 days and it's a huge time. The experience of 365 days in 2023 was not just a number of days. I have done a lot of things and made several mistakes and learned from them. I am expecting that in the new year, I will try to do much better than in 2023. There are some good moments and some bad moments which are very natural. The another thing is that some people helped us in many cases and some choose to betray us when we need them. We should try to stay alert from those who choose to betray and we should try to show our gratitude for those who help us. And it's very necessary too.

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2023 was a neutral type for me in my real life because I can't remember any significant good or bad things that happened to me. I am always stingy in case of receiving the help of others and except for my family members, I might not receive anyone's help in my real life. In fact, I didn't need anyone's help. Wait... wait.. wait. I could remember one kind of help I received in offline means in the real world.

One of my best friends names is Archita and I think I talked about her a few times in my several posts. And in those posts, I must say also that whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed, whenever I feel frustrated and disappointed, and whenever I need suggestions I talk with her and she is quite capable of showing me the best way. I feel relief, good, and confident after talking with her. In the year of 2023 for some reason, I was indecisive for some cases and was feeling stressed about those. I discussed those matters with her and as expected she gave me one good suggestion that made me feel better. Except for my family members, I think she is the only one who helped me several times by giving advice, suggestions, and other things. I am Thankful to her and I know she will help me in the future whenever I need her beside me.

Family members are the most precious to me. My family is my world for me and most of the time I spend with my family members. As well as I can remember, except for the time at University I was at home. Fortunately, all my family members live under the same roof and all of us enjoy dinner together almost all day. For many people, it may be nothing but it's a very special thing for me I know the value of family because I departed from my family for 1.5 years. So all the moments are very important for me. They also helped me in various ways and it's not possible to mention everything. In a word, I am thankful to my family members for making my moments with happiness.

It was the most active year for me in this Blockchain and I met many friends and learned many things. In the case of finance, my knowledge was enriched a lot. My thoughts became more mature and I can see the same thing from different perspectives and able to understand it. In that kind of case I have learnt a lot from this blockchain and the members of this function is my Hive family. Someone's post gave me knowledge, someone's post gave me satisfaction, someone's traveling post made me feel I am also traveling with them, again someone's comment gave me a special feeling, someone's comment gave me suggestions and directions, and someone's comment was for appreciation. I am thankful to everyone and it's not possible to mention everyone. I could mention some but I choose not to do it because I am afraid of if I miss someone. So I am thankful to my Hive family members for being part of my Hive journey.

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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