A ban on smartphone won't be bad🤔

We are living in the digital era, and the development of technology has been impressive in the last few decades. Smartphones are one of the greatest inventions. They were invented to make our lives much better, easier, and more comfortable, and they have already made a significant contribution to communication.

A smartphone is a device that is kind of all in one. We can watch movies, listen to music, play video games, and read the newspapers, and so many other things aside from communication. It's the thing that brought the world into our hands. Moreover, we can earn money online by using mobile. So it is very natural that people become used to being sticky with mobile phones. It's a digital world, and at this time, thinking about restricting the use it is nothing more than foolishness.

It says that everything has a limit, and crossing the limit is not beneficial and can be a cause of chaos. A mobile phone is an additive thing, and most people use it almost all the day. Although it's not a healthy practice, I have nothing to say against it because it's the choice of the individual. In the current time, some people are so restless that they don't allow their mobile phones to charge in peace because they use them during the time of charging also. In recent times it also noticed that many people are using mobile phones while they are having dinner, lunch snacks and breakfast time also. That kind of activity sometimes gives me the feeling that they can live without oxygen, but they can't live without using a mobile phone 😅. Do you think it's a good thing? Before talking about it, I am going to describe a little bit the importance of doing dinner, breakfast, lunch, and next time together with the family.

Family is the most important thing for all of us, and I think in that case there is no doubt, except for some exceptions. If anyone wants to be happy, then a happy family is required, because without a happy family, no one can be happy alone. And family was made up of family members. Family members are blood related people who support us all the time in any kind of situation, and they try their best to protect us from any trouble. So the bond between family members is very important, and the bond isn't created only for blood relations. The bond between the family members becomes stronger with their interaction. Lack of interaction makes bonds weaker than usual.

As I said, most of us become busy with mobile phones, and we have no time for family members. That kind of habit is reasonable for decreasing the interaction between family members, and as a result, the bond between family members has become very weak compared to the past time. As an impact of a simple incident, a little misunderstanding is enough to disturb the peace of the family, and relationships between family members become shaky. I know that most of the people won't agree that the relationship between family members has become weak, but that's the reality.

In my family, all the family members do our breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner together, if available. We grow up with that habit, and I believe it's a very good practice. In those times, we talk with each other and share many things, like updates on the day, plans for the day, and sometimes gossip. Those kinds of moments are very precious to me. I care very much about those kinds of moments, and no one in my family uses their mobile normally. It's my opinion that using smartphones during family time should be banned because it's the thing that plays a significant role in decreasing interaction. I think stop using smartphone for a little time won't give us any kind of damage. We need to remember that family is the most important thing to us.


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