Rejection can trigger your success

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I remember some years back when I wanted to seek admission into the higher institution , I did an entrance examination which I passed but my admission got rejected by the school because some students from a certain catchment area were given admission first at that time before considering those from the non-catchment area and that was how I lost the admission because they claimed they already had maximum number of students they wanted to admit that year and I could not make the admission list because the school claimed most of the students passed the entrance examination and so the catchment area now became the major criteria to get admission....

I felt so sad and disappointed , I felt really discouraged at that time , I felt so REJECTED at that time..

But thank God for the kind of family I have, they all stood by me , they did their possible best to see me smile and see me stay motivated to try another entrance exam the following year , and this time around I picked another school which was even better than the previous one and even more difficult to gain admission into this particular school , my friends thought I was crazy when I picked a better school that is even more difficult to gain admission into it based on history.., At that time I was already highly confident in myself that I can achieve whatever I believe in and my previous rejection at the former institution should not stop me from trying again..

To cut the long story short , I passed the entrance examination of the new and bigger institution which I chose , and I was given admission by the same university..

So i got admission into a bigger and better university simply because I never allowed the previous rejection to stop me from trying again.

I do not know the kind of rejection you are experiencing right now , your own rejection might not be related to education , yours might be related to life as a whole , yours might be related to career or business , yours might be related to investment , it might be related to relationship or anything...BUT I want you to know that the rejection you are facing today can be turned to a channel to lead you to success and that is why you should never stop trying , you should never allow rejection to hold you back from aiming for your goals..

The more you keep trying, the higher your chances of getting it right this time around , rejection should not defeat you , you should be the one defeating rejection..

Rejection should not be more powerful than you and your thoughts , you and your thoughts should be more powerful than rejection and you should be able to remain very strong enough to tackle whatever challenges causes by rejection in your life..

Life is not always going to be the way you want all the time but you should always make sure that no matter how easy or how difficult it seems , you should never give up on your goals , on your dreams and on your aspirations..

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