Music is life
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Music is a type of sound that expresses emotions, a simple form of art that lightens mood,brings a smile to the face, and helps reduce stress levels

Music can be so powerful,it is one combination of melodies and lyrics that give beautiful results with ease to loneliness.

There is a kind of connection that comes when a particular song just describes your mood with the lyrics and melody and then you connect to the song and whenever the song is played you reminisce about the memories it brings.

It does not matter how old the song is, you just keep listening and enjoy the memories.

This brings me to share about three songs I love and enjoy listening to, though they seem old but the beauty and memories the song brings keep me glued to the song.

Sometime we reminisce about our childhood and we just find out it one peaceful stage of life that comes with no worries.
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Nf I MISS THE DAYS is one song I will always cherish
Nf is an American rapper who likes to express himself through his music and lyrics
I miss the days is a song released 2019 that talks about how peaceful childhood was with no worries. I love this song because it reminds me of childhood, of how we will always stare out the window when the rain will pour and running underneath the sun
The songs talk about the experiences missed in childhood , the smiles the fun
The days you just listen to what your heart says and not overthink about life , the days you just ride your bike and enjoy the peaceful air that rushes at you.
I miss the days is a beautiful song with so many memories of childhood I enjoy listening to the song because it brings back childhood memories.

WISH ME WELL BY TIMI DAKOLO is another song I love
The song was released in 2015
The songs talks about taking a step to achieve your dreams without been discouraged of fear of the unknown all because your desire to be great is all you see and then you pick up you bag to get set for the journey and all your love ones can do is just to wish you well.

The song is some kind of motivation and talks about how timi dakolo decided to face his dreams in music even when it looks rough
Timi dakolo is a Nigerian song writer who is doing well in the music industry I love the song wish me well because of the arrangement, the melodious sound of Timi's voice and the motivation the lyrics comes with.
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PRAIZ RICH AND FAMOUS is the final song on my list
Rich and famous was released in 2104 the song talks about what being rich and famous looks like ,the flashing light of cameras , cover pages of magazines,living in V.I.P and enjoying the tour around the world
I love this song because it makes me imagine living the life of a superstar.

praiz is a Nigerian singer with soothing voice. I love listing to his songs because he has a lovely voice and he does good music.

I love these three songs because each one of them reminds me of different memories.

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