Turning Back the Clock: My Second Chance to Reunite with Lost Loved Ones and Make Things Right

Edited Using Canva. Image by Joey Velasquez from Pixabay

Sometimes we realize how important those things or moments were of our life when it's already too late. It becomes a regret and leaves a mark forever.

It can be teenage life choices, relationship or any other way. That time is gone and you're grown up already but everyone wants a second chance to make those things right and this person Gets it but how?.

Secrets of the Clock Tower

A Twenty Year old young guy with a weird (sad) look on his face is walking down the street in night as if he's lost in his own imaginations and Thoughts.

Looked like; Young Guy had some plans but life had some other plans for him which didn't ended up well.

That Guy heard a calling coming from the clocktower in town and went there to see what it's about.

Image by uncutURBEX from Pixabay

Upon reaching he saw stairs going up and that's where a big clock appears on the wall of tower. A minute later he got shocked when the voice came from clock giving him some instructions. Before following instructions of voice he wanted to ask questions. All of his answers were waiting outside there but where?

He turned back the Clock Time to Year 2021 and a portal appeared where he knew what's going to happen next.

The time travel was real but not exactly as he assumed; when he stepped inside that portal his age was reduced. He couldn't believe that happened until heard the lost loved one's voices coming from room.

That was the moment when he realized what happened in future and where he needed to make things right in his age as he got the second chance.

Reunite with Lost Loved Ones

The time you spent with loved one is always precious moments and memories of your life. I would spend more time with my lost grandfather and uncle in the same year.

When you need someone and they're in the heaven that part of life ain't easy. Always want to change the past to reunite one more time, some more days, hours and minutes.

Reclaiming Some Missed Opportunites

Missed many good opportunities at age of EIGHTEEN cuz of absolute my own bad behavior and had less idea about how things work.

Made wrong investment choices, Got scammed couple of times, trusted wrong people, had no mentor alike person to take guidance etc etc.

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Now, I'm certain with not repeating those mistakes and with second chance I will not miss that shot to hit on point and Believe accuracy will be 99.9%.

Life is Good after Second Chance

Everything where you went wrong, terrible at first try. We can do better, accurate with second chance. Life can be on track once and for all.

But, we all know that second chance is all a lie. Sometimes we should just burry our past behind and move on with life.

There are many more reason to live, love & laugh or opportunities surely waiting ahead but for that future I need to grind, stay focused and work hard in this present time.

Yes, this whole second chance with reducing age sounds good for a while bringing relationships or other things back on track but eventually more pain is around the corner.

wrapping up...

In the end one thing I learnt with the time is "It is what it is" and with this realization things doesn't make you feel like there should be another chance.

Well, after all I can't deny even imagining that reunite with loved one's got me goosebumps.

I hope you found it worth giving a read and do let me know what's your wish if you get second chance in comment.

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Thanks for reading.

All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 25/04/2023.

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