The Unseen Burden of Society Pressure

Edited using Canva. Original Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Living in a toxic society ain't easy especially when people from all side is pushing you and this is how life becomes like a hell in an unexpected way.

The kind of society I lived in was same way. Everyday stress given by society not knowing why they care more than I do about thing's I do or don't in my life.

It's a kind of culture in our society to act like they own your life and do whatever makes them happy.

Incase you've not seen pressure from society than let me tell you how it's like in my case.

I owe everything to Society

This society won't accept until you accept things or boundaries made by these people. You owe them everything meant to be yours, Dreams, lifestyle or passion etc.

These belongings aren't your's as society meant to worried about it more than anyone.

The day you decide do something that is better in interest of yours but if society doesn't approve it Your parents won't as they always call "What other people will say or think about it" so, don't dream.

Image by Joseph Mucira from Pixabay

CCTV camera, Aren't they? I still remember the day I wanted to become a content creator and Gamer but couldn't go ahead all because of it was unacceptable because of everyone's else child in society is either choosing engineering or medical and that's the only options left to choose.

The stress and pressure you had to deal with everyday life peaked at this point when you quit something like a passion.

Society Makes your Life decisions

In our society if two person love each other but their traditional value says we don't marry outside to this caste than it doesn't matter whom you love anymore.

I've seen family do put pressure when it comes to this matter and well that was the story of my aunt, she loved someone and family wasn't ready to accept it but cuz of our support everything is in her favour and marriage is placed next year after all.

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Not caring about what others will think and after realizing Family expectations can't completely decide whom to marry.

There are countless more of examples and situations that put a person in pressure mostly comes from society and than within family where I found balance to keep going.

Breaking the Chains of Society Pressure

when I realized now I'm matured enough is the day I stopped caring about society and started doing what's better of my interest and started living and enjoying in my own company.

I've set boundaries to do thing's that I'm comfortable with prioritizing myself engaging with fun activities that brings joy instead of harmful stress.

And started focusing on better or positive side avoiding what's negative hidden in society roots is the only way to break the chain and live happily in my opinion.

Wrapping up...

In the end, most of us might have suffered a lot because of different kind of pressure we had to deal and this might go on until next generation or far ahead which is something I fear.

The only thing that could stop this unnecessary pressure or stress to others is start focusing on yourself and fixing your problems rather than getting involved with someone else life.

Well, I hope no one had to go through pressure and came out stronger person. So, that's my perspective on this matter and looking forward to hear your thoughts about it in comments.

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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 11/02/2023.

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