The Dark Side of Technology: What Will 2050 Look Like?


image by マクフライ 腰抜け from Pixabay

There's a version of me who wants to live and experience what technology would be like in the year 2050 and there's a part of me that thinks it'd be better to die before that.

For now what we've seen about technology is "making life easier, better and efficient" than how it used to be a decade or two ago.

All we got from technology is improved version of life but I believe there will be a time when technology will do opposite to humanity.

To explain this point further I'll give some of references and will share what kind of future technology can bring for us after 25 years from now.

Manifesting How technology will be in 2050

I believe there's a period like 20 years or 30 maybe 40 years till technology is evolving for the good of humanity like our life is getting better

But after that time period now technology that will come is going to make life living hell for human, it'll bring destruction or such thing


image by Kohji Asakawa from Pixabay

Humans are built different they go to extent where they can wipe humanity like nuclear weapons or bombs, it's going to be same with technology

When everything is going good and they can't find anything better to build from technology.. they'll start to make the threats like nuclear

As of now we think Ai/robots are going to help us and some of us think they're going to become an actual threat

Ai might be the Evil thing in 2050

For how long humanity will fear "nuclear bombs or weapons?" Next 10 year, or 20? But what comes after that is going to be "we gotta build something that keeps the fear amongst human if they don't fear nuclear weapons anymore".

And that next thing is none other than Ai which is improving and getting a lot better already.

I'm talking about Ai after 25 years from now and during those days Ai will be far more dangerous and superior

Same Like we've seen in Black mirror Show

You guys should watch black mirror on netflix once because it's a show from future way ahead of it's time.

This tv series shows the technology that could become a reality in next 25 or 50 years timespan.

The biggest threat shown in that series was "Ai", every single episode had something to do with Ai and the end was always terrifying for human.


image by Pexels from Pixabay

It was like Ai is a slow pill that'll either break you psychologically or physically, sometimes financially.

I'd personally recommend everyone to watch these episodes:

1- Nosedive (my favourite)
2- Beyond the Sea
3- white Christmas
4- USS Callister
5- Play test

Nosedive was terrific and it could become a reality in next 25 years... Basically that episode shows us everything that could go wrong if we could give human rating like we rate apps on playstore/apple store, how we rate websites or products on internet

It could be applied to human with the help of AI and it's going to be total disaster.

And this entire show represents how future technology could be so well.

Wrapping Up...

In the end, If I'm alive in 2050 I'd try to comeback to this blog of mine just to see how right or wrong I was.

As of now how things are going with the technology, it's great cause our life is becoming better

But there's going to be a time when instead of better it'll only become worse but the idea will be "to make it even more better"

The constant greed of human wanting better life will become a reason they'll see those terrible experiences with the technology in future. I'd love to know what do you think about it, do share your thoughts and perspective in the comments.

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