My First Job Chronicle: Lessons Learned and Paths Explored

Image by LEEROY Agency from Pixabay

My first steps into the Workforce was when I was just around 16 year old while I was studying in 9th grade and to manage all expenses by my own since it was necessary at that time due to circumstances.

This job was a lot more difficult than I thought and it left it's lasting impact on me and taught plenty of lessons in early age.

My First Job Chronicles - Waiter Life

There are plenty of thing's I've learnt from first job and honestly I had no idea that being a waiter isn't easy at all and how a person feel doing it in society where ethics or respect for other barely exist.

I used to do hefty load of stuff whole time in a restaurant like place and the working hours were like from "10am to 10pm and even more sometimes" more than 12 hours on weekends only, since I used to be a student.

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

The workplace was full of toxicity and environment was worst like drugs and all but perks of being kinda mature and manners taught by parents I wasn't involved in those activities.

All I had in my mind while working there was always to not mess up anything since I was kid and for waiters when he mess up something than consequences are actually horrible as in losing job or money.

Lessons I Learnt from first job

The first thing I learnt was social interaction like interacting with other person gently and in a well mannered way.

I used to be shy ever since childhood so talking to other person wasn't really my thing and that first job fully changed that part which I still respect.

Secondly, I got exploited by my coworkers and the person who hired me there.

Coworkers used to ask me do this and that when it was literally their job to do but I was a kid and they're like grown man and I hadn't learnt to say no at that point of my life. So, there are times when you should say "No" in workplace.

Underpaid yet ton of work and long working hours

Never in a lifetime do not do that job where you're not getting paid a good or reasonable amount of money.

Believe me or not, I used to make "500PKR" about $1.7 per day after working nonstop from "10am to "10pm and more sometimes " like about 12hours.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

It might sound like I used to work for nothing but some circumstances and situations don't see those things.

So, the thing is working hours shouldn't exceed as per law and should pay reasonable amount of money which isn't going to happen in my country ever and that's one reason why I want to move out somewhere.

Will I Ever do the first job again?

A big No, Never in my life again I ain't not going to do that job as a waiter again after that first time experience I started to hate it for rest of my life.

I'd prefer to die but won't do least not in my own country. Like why would I do spend 12 hours of my day working my ass off for less than $2?

Other than that the whole environment isn't good for your own mental health...each minute you're thinking that person might be making some assumption about you is why staring at me etc etc.

Wrapping Up...

I've seen the worst and darkest possible side of life in childhood to teenage life and those were all enough to be mature.

After first job, I did worked in other places and have gained experience over the time.

Yet not a fit where I could rely and make life better... so, doing side hustles on internet and working for degree is something I'm doing.

More paths need to be explored and honestly feels like old enough and a complete failure in age of 20. I've some regrets, the worse one's and trying to move on from all for better.

In the end, this is all I have to say about my first job and hopefully you found it interesting and lemme know your thoughts in comment.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 24/08/2023.

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