In Pursuit of Balanced Life: Life's Challenges with Grace

Edited using Canva. Image by Anrita from Pixabay

The day most of us find a balance in life from that day our life will have peace again which is something lost completely in my case.

finding the balance is essential in our life as everything do revolve around it from our diet, routine work and more everything demands a balance.

For everyone the balance they want in life is different from one another or almost relateable and in my case I want to be a responsible person who can perform duties like bills etc on time and can also be a good student and get the marks, and than maintain health and other things that goes down the list.

Our Routine needs to be checked again

it all starts from routine, if there's any reason there's no balance in life it means you need to work on the routine and schedule things once again.

In my case I used to be a late night owl awake entire night and than waking up in the middle of day - almost the whole day is gone while I was asleep and now doing everything in hurry before sun goes down.

Image by bedazelive from Pixabay

When I went hometown like last month somehow I fixed my routine which lasted for long 7 days.

I was able to go to bed early, wake up at 6am while everyone else were asleep. so, I had all the time in the world from checking the markets to making a post and than learning from YouTube videos and going out on a walk all on time before the breakfast.

A bit of social media after breakfast and than some blog reading before taking a much needed nap in the evening which is something I took for like 4-5 times in my life.

Everything was perfectly balanced as it should be

One fine routine is all someone need to find that balance in life. You can easily perform the tasks on time and still going to have plenty of time left before the day ends.

Now my routine is again messed up because of this final exams I had to give up on my fresh habit of going to bed early instead of staying awake and now I'm like the same old night owl.

When there's no balance in life

I have realized that a lot of time I'm stressing and overthinking is due to not so balanced life. One thing I need to fix ASAP in my life is fixing routine again.

Image by Steve Johnson from Pixabay

Everything that exceed more than the limit is harmful and bad like 20hr screentime, 4hr in real life (that's like sleep time), sooner you realize the better it is.

To fix it we need to develop new habits, read, walk, engage with friends or family.

that one thing I think is missing in life is workout, I thought to get back in shape and hit the gym. luckily it was like my first day today with a friend and now I've to stick with this to be disciplined.

Wrapping Up...

In the end finding balance in life is like an endless hustle not boring at all but also not fun. In this pursuit of balance someday I'll get it and for now I can only put efforts from my side everyday.

I'd love to know what's that thing keeping you away from a balanced life and feel free to share what do you think about mine in the comments.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 04/05/2024.

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