My hobby is writing on Hive

Hello friends,I hope you are all fine and doing great. This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community.Today's topic to write The Paying hobby



Talking about hobbies, my hobby is playing. But as you grow older, responsibilities come on you. If I talk about a hobby in which you get some benefit or some money. And that is your hobby. Riding a motorcycle.

I have been very fond of riding a motorcycle since my childhood. I have wanted it since my childhood. I have my father's motorcycle. I ride it in my free time and earn money from it.

I have registered my bike with a byka company. As online vehicles operate and you book a ride through online vehicle, in the same way if a person needs to be called, he uses this Byka app and he reaches his destination.

I also do this with my job. And it helps me a lot. If I am going to a job, I book a ride and leave it on the way to my job. This greatly reduces the cost of going to my job. In the same way, when I come back from job, I take a ride and leave it and come home. Also I run it in my free time and it helps me a lot and I get to see new places. I am also fond of riding a motorcycle and I am earning something from this hobby. I enjoy my hobby very much. I have a lot of responsibilities now and I am busy trying to solve these responsibilities. I am getting a lot out of this hobby.

I love to play now but the truth is that I can never find time because there is a big difference between childhood and now. In childhood you had no responsibilities. You had to study and play sports. But growing up comes with a lot of responsibilities which make you have to let go of your desires and as we grow up we have to take care of everyone. I am giving importance to this hobby because I also complete my errands with the bike, it helps me a lot to move from one place to another and I also use it as a motor cycle. From which I also get money.



Every human being has his own thinking and he is interested in things according to his own thinking. I just came to Hive some time ago. And I am learning a lot here and I enjoy talking to people here and reading their writings. I also write here on Hive in my free time and I get some benefits from here too. Ever since I came to Hive, I haven't had time to ride a bike, so I spend most of my time writing posts on Hive now, and I get a lot out of it. I can sit comfortably at home and write on Hive, but if I want to earn money by riding a bike, I have to leave the house. In fact, I enjoy writing posts on Hive, I get something new to read here and I consider that more and more.

I want to say that a person should do whatever is beneficial to him out of his own interest. Before that I had nothing to earn money, then I got a motorcycle, I got interested in it and then I started using it to earn money. Recently a friend of mine invited me to Hive. And told me about here and I am very happy here now, the income here is much better than that of Bykea and I am getting a very good environment here.

Thanks for Reading

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