
Making major decisions are hard but not as hard as we think they are, the only problem is the fact that we always want and wish to make the best decisions all the time and that makes it very hard to make some major decisions. Even as we all wish to make the best decisions, there are some people that take delight in making their own decisions which is good and that is why sometimes we hear people tell us not to tell them what to do.

In making decisions, it is always good to have confidence in ones choices and be prepared to take responsibility for it. Most times, some people go to others to give them advise on how to make a certain decision and if things doesn't go as proposed, they end up blaming whoever gave them the advice to make the decision they took.


We fail to realize that these people only have the power to suggest these decisions to us and it's left for us to still make the final decisions. Sometimes when someone tell me I shouldn't tell them what to do, it actually gives me joy to some extent because I've at least told them what I think is the best thing to do and it's now left for them to make the final call.

If there is one thing I do when making decisions it is always putting myself in a place to realize that whatever the decision turns out to be, it's going to be my responsibility to bear and no one else. Taking decisions is a person's sole responsibility, others can only advice but then you as a person will be the only one to bear the consequences although most times, others around you will also enjoy or suffer from your decisions as well.

Sometimes it takes me forever to make a major decision but then sometimes despite the time I take to make a decision, I always end up not making the right choices and I have to suffer for it. While other times, I'm so quick-witted when making decisions and it turns out okay for me and even those around me too. So looking at these two different scenarios, I've come to understand that sometimes it's not how long we take to make a decision but how well we do so now I just try to follow my instinct most of the time.

For a person who is tired of someone telling them what to do, I will easily make the decision of letting them be but then it's still in my place to still decide whether or not to tell them what they should do or not do. If I ever decide to let them be, it only means that I have told them severally about that particular thing and it's just wise to give them some time to reflect on things themselves and hope they make the right decision.


If my decision end up not going as I want it to, the only thing that comes to mind is preparing to face the consequences for it. I hate to say it but it feels like I'm always preparing for the worst in everything which is not so good but then it just helps me cope through everything easily. But lately I've come to learn that there are times when I should face these disappoinments squarely and not make it seem like I didn't make a mistake with my decision.

Whenever a person's wish is not to be told what to do and I as a person knows the repercussions of what he or she is doing and I listen to their wish and things end up going South, then I'd have myself to blame for it because I didn't look for a better way to explain to him or her why I wanted them to make a decision a particular way.

Naturally, so many of us has this part of us that hate being told what to do and I think that happens for a reason. We shouldn't always rely solely on what others have to say about something but then we shouldn't just outrightly shut anyone out from giving us their advise on things. With every choice we make, we should be ready to take responsibility for it squarely and not try to cast down the blame to anyone.

This is my response to the Hivelearners editional prompts and also a response to the Thinkers Corner prompt too.

Thumbnail used was designed using canva and other images are mine

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