Fear is something really strong that we can’t really overcome by just saying we will, it requires us to have courage to just agree within ourselves to be ready for whatever the consequences will be for our actions. When it comes to saying what’s on one’s mind, most times our mind does the shuffling and we end up not seeing the need to say what we wanted. This can be as a result of fear or because we already know the outcome won’t be good.

Freedom of speech is nice but then that shouldn’t mean we can say whatever comes to our minds. Words are powerful and they can save or destroy lives. So just saying whatever comes to your mind because you have freedom of speech is not advised at all. Even apostle James in the Holy Bible made us understand that we should be slow to speak but quick to hear. If we can adopt this, I’m sure we will save ourselves from a lot of troubles.

Due to the fact that we have freedom of speech, some of us are always ready to say what’s on our minds without thinking twice about it. The thing is, anything is possible, our right to speech can be taken away from us but then that still shouldn’t stop us from saying the truth when necessary. Most times we are only scared of speaking when it is the truth we have to say because in our world today, saying the truth mostly comes with a harsh consequence but that shouldn’t scare us because the truth on its own it’s capable of saving us.

Anything is possible, our rights can be taken away from us especially when we are use to always telling a lie. When you tell a lie, even when you get to say whatever you wish to say anything you wish to say it, the sad truth is you are still in bondage. You can only truly be free when anytime you get to speak you don’t fear saying the truth or be biased about anything. If you are scared of saying the truth, it means you are not free and at that point your right to speech is restricted.

I won’t say that in all cases when we choose not to talk it means our right to speech has been infringed on. For me, it is way better than speaking lies or saying something that you are not even sure of. But if you are scared of speaking because you feel you might be punished for it, then it means your right has been violated. Sadly this is what we see these days, people find it hard to say what’s on their mind because they feel they might be criticized for it or maybe they will be in danger if they do.

The truth is, not everyone is outspoken, whether or not they will be in danger for saying anything that’s on their minds. And that is why, personally for me, I always try to study my environment and the people that their ears are opened to listen to me speak, if it’s not going to help them in anyway, I don’t see the reason for saying it. But if I know it will be of help to them in one way or another and I might be in danger saying it, I might still go ahead to say it and just be ready for whatever comes next.

The mouth was given to us to speak but let’s also remember that the ears were given to us to listen and also for balance. So if we wish to stay balanced always, we should learn to listen more than speaking, that way we will find more worth in the things we wish to say and we won’t be scared of being responsible for our words, more reason why we always have to say the truth so whenever we speak people will always want to accept it and not have any doubts.


You fear it, it rears you - by Hopestylist

This is my response to the topic on ”RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH” chosen for the 3rd edition in the hivelearners community for this week.

Images used are mine

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