Once upon a time, Hope was one of those people that hardly ever let things slide, she will always make sure she proves her point to who ever doesn’t seem to understand her but lately all that has changed because she hardly ever cares about being the right one, in fact it’s becoming a pleasure to be the one who is wrong about something because she believes that is how she gets to learn faster and of course leave an impression.

In as much as this seem good, I also know it has its flaws because there are definitely sometimes when I’m very sure I’m the right one but then I no longer take pleasure in making you see why I’m the one who is right especially if you are very persistent with the wrong idea. The thing is, as humans, we always have this tendency of always being the one who is right and no matter how you try to suppress it, sometimes it just can’t hide itself.

Right now I’m imagining two friends having a conversation about something that has to do with personal opinion. Out of these two friends, you will always notice that there will be at least one of them who will try to impose his or her opinion on the other and if the other one is not willing to accept that opinion, there is every tendency that they may end up having a dispute if one of them don’t give up winning the argument.

Personally, I’ve had so many experiences like that but then the moment I saw the topic for this edition, it was as if my mind had a reset because they all seem to go away. It took me a whole day and some hours for me to get one of those moments back. And guess what?! This moment actually happened today to me in school while discussing with a friend. So here was what happen, while we were waiting for our lecturer to come for our class, we stood outside waiting and then my friend was talking about a reason why he needs a mosquito spray.

When I heard he wanted to get a spray, I told him it was way better if he got a mosquito net instead because the mosquitoes these days don’t just go away even with so much spray. He tried to tell me that it wasn’t that the sprays don’t work but it was because he exposes his room too much. I tried to make him understand that, yes, he exposes his room too much and that was why he needed a mosquito net so it will be easier for him to control his sleeping space at least. He agreed with me but then we both agreed that one of the disadvantage of making use of a mosquito net was the heat since air find it hard to pass through it.

While we were still discussing, I tried to explain further to him how the mosquito parasite is spread. Normally, malaria is transmissible from one person to another and that is possible thanks to the little guys. When a mosquito bites a person who is infected with malaria, and that same mosquito bites someone who has a weak immune system, there is every chance of that person getting infected with malaria. And you know the most interesting part, the first person with malaria might still be feeling healthy because they have a stronger immunity.

I tried to make my friend realize that this was one way malaria is easily transmitted but he quickly stopped me and said I was saying nonsense and he even said he was disappointed in me because as a science student he expected more from me. I felt bad because it was as if i didn’t know what I was saying but then I had to just say okay maybe I was wrong and I will do a research just to be sure if I was wrong or not. We both kept quiet for some time and there was no further argument. After sometime, he told me he was wrong because he made a research about it.

According to him, the malaria parasite is gotten from te dirty waters around us and as the mosquitoes get the parasites, they infect it in humans and that is how we get malaria.

At that point, I was so happy in my spirit but I didn’t show it. I just told him I was happy we know the right thing. The thing with arguments is that, it will make the wrong party not to be interested in knowing what the right thing is. If I had told my friend that be was the wrong one, he wouldn’t have taken his time to make his own research and maybe he won’t have learnt anything at all. After today’s conversation with him, I saw more reasons why I don’t always have to win the argument, because in the end my aim is to let the person see things from the right perspective or maybe for me to see things from the right view.

So if I argue too much, I might lose both the conversation and even the person and that is a loss on both end. This is my response to the Hivelearners topic on ”SACRIFICE FOR PEACE”.

The images used are mine

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