Happiness is a gift that only you can give to yourself but then it's sad that most people think it's a gift that we will receive from someone else or something. Life is not fair to everyone yes, but that should be a reason why we should learn to be happy in whatever situation we find ourselves. As hard as it can be, rejoicing with others when they are rejoicing just pays better.

We all have a time when things and people just seem to be against us and that is the major reason why we think life is unfair or bad to us. Most times it gets to us so well that we start letting those things determine our happiness. At some point in my life I had an experience that made me feel so maltreated and oppressed and it hurt me really badly but then that pushed me to where I am today.


Due to how my background was, I was someone who never stayed in one place, I lived with literally all my relatives because I had no option. My dad was not doing so well at some point in life so we had to go live with any relative that was ready to accommodate us. There was a time when we went to live with my grandma (my mum's mother) and some of my other cousins where living with her too and also my aunts.

She lives in the village so going to the farm was a norm. During school days, we normally don't go to the farm but on weekends, it's a must we go to the farmland which is very far away from the house. We attended school there and since it was a village school we also had every Friday for working in the school farmland. It was not easy for us at all but we had to adjust somehow.

There was this particular Friday which was agreed was for games which was supposed to be for labor due to an upcoming interhouse sport. I was really excited about it because at least this time we weren't going to be laboring but having fun. That Friday we closed early from school and we were given the opportunity to go home to eat and come back. At first I knew going back home and coming back won't be easy but then we needed to eat.


After much deliberation, we had to go home and unfortunately for us, my Aunt was at home. We already told my grandma that day was our game day and she agreed we could go but when my aunt heard about it, she disagreed. We pleaded with her to let us go and after much pleading, she agreed with a condition and that is for us to do some unnecessary tasks before going.

Well we quickly got to it and in no time we were done and we got ready to leave but somehow she said we shouldn't go. I was so sad and I felt really oppressed. My sister was already giving up but as the stubborn girl I was, I took the courage to ask my aunt why she was so against us going but then she took it really offensive and punished us severely that day.

I cried for as long as I could and in the end we missed that game. She gave us really good flogging that I can never forget. That made her the least aunty to me. She was just so unfair and never reasons with us. Well I didn't blame her much because it wasn't her fault we couldn't get the chance to live with our parents. Since that day, I was so bent on leaving that place for good and that made me pester my dad even more to come and get us.

When the one and only opportunity came, I grabbed it so well. It was holiday and we told my grandma we wanted to go and see my dad. We packed almost everything we had in the house and that made my grandma curious. She was curious because we told her we were going to come back but deep down, I knew that was never going to happen, I was literally running away. We had to reduce the things we planned taking with us just so she could believe we would come back.

We finally left the village and that was the last time we ever went there to live. We only went there for holiday once and that was it. I was so glad we left that space because that was the only way we got to see a better way to make life better for ourselves. Thanks to how my aunt maltreated us I just couldn't bare to cope with such a life anymore. She practically saw us like rags she could trample on (that was how I felt) but I wasn't someone that enjoys being oppressed.

This is my little response to the Hivelearners topic on "IT WAS JUST UNFAIR".

All Images used are mine

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