I love traveling, it’s part of the things I’d love to do as a hobby but sadly, some of the roads in my country are not really encouraging at all. So now, my traveling vibes has died down a little but I still enjoy it if I get the opportunity to. Now that I’m a student, it’s just normal that I get to travel every now and then, either to school or back to school but besides that, I think the last traveling I did was to mum’s place at port harcourt.

My traveling experience to my mum’s place is always nice because I always go with my siblings and it just never goes wrong with us together. I mean, we chat with each other, sometimes we sing together and other times we all just focus on our phones too, hehe. It was early this year, my sister would be going for her youth service soon and I was still expecting my admission so we felt that was the perfect time to go see my mum because once my sister goes for her youth service and I gain admission into school, that opportunity will be very hard to come by.

We grabbed it and we prepared for it. Before we left the house, my sister and I already talked a little about the things we would like to do when we visit my mom and part of the things we planned was going on an outing. Port harcourt is a great place, it has quite a lot of places to visit and have fun. The first time we visited my mum, a friend of ours who lives there once took us out on a tour which was really nice and I guess that was why this time, we had to plan something special for ourselves.

We actually made matching outfits too specifically for that particular day when we get to go out and it was nice. So when we finally went to the park where we were to board a vehicle, we got to realize that the price was higher than the last time we visited and that was really disappointing but then our minds were already made up and it wasn’t just enough to back out, hehe. We entered a comfortable ride which drove really professionally and the experience was just perfect!

Normally, going to port harcourt from where we lived takes close to 4 hours and the driver spent less than that. When we got to port harcourt, one would easily notice the infrastructures going on there. It seems like the governor has taken it upon himself to give that city good roads and it’s really nice. One other thing you’d admire about that city is that to a considerable degree, it is a neat place. They made provisions for dustbins at different spots along the expressway which helps people know where to dump their dirt.

Moving deeper into the city, getting to where my mum lives, at night you’d see street lights making the road walkable at night without so much fears. Although I don’t really like the amber color of the lights that were used but then I’m very sure they have a good reason for that. Maybe to help the light conserve energy so it can last through out the night, who knows! But overall, the idea of working streetlights was just really admirable.

Sadly, I didn’t get to explore too much and that also made my siblings not to do the same because I’m the one who loves exploring more, hehe. I fell sick few days into our stay at my mum’s place and that even made it hard for us to go out as we’ve planned. I’m a strong girl and I didn’t want to be the reason why we will have a failed plan so I agreed to take my medications seriously so I can get better as soon as possible.

After two days of taking my medications, I felt a bit better and I told my sister we could go out. The good thing was, the place we had plans of visiting was not so far from my mum’s house so I felt it was something I could risk. I was in a haste because we didn’t plan staying too long at my mum’s place. I remember how my head was spinning but I still acted like all was very well, lol. We went to Kilimanjaro popular called market square and we could only get pizza because it was on promo.

We had to go back home almost immediately because I was tired. I enjoyed the pizza, we all did because it was actually nice and it was worth the pay. We also went to another restaurant two days after before going back home and it was another fun experience. We enjoyed that one more because we get to sit down for a longer time listening to the cool music that was playing there while we were on our phones doing what we were doing (personally, I was on hive/discord), hehe.

Going back home, we also enjoyed it too and I will always love to visit port harcourt anytime I get the opportunity to because it is a great place. I haven’t even seen all that I need to see, that place has really beautiful places and I even doubt I’d be able to see them all. Now that I have a good phone, I won’t hesitate going back there and getting the photograph of everything that I can get, hehe.

Thank you for stopping by and reading through ❤️.

Images used are mine

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