Hello there, it's really a great privilege to have you visit me once again, hope you are having a beautiful weekend? I hope you are. Well, for today I will be sharing with you how I manage to overcome boredom. But then I wonder, what is boredom in the first place? Well according to the Oxford dictionary, boredom simply means the act of being bored and being bored means lack of interest in something or absence of any activity to occupy someone.


From the definition above, we can understand that boredom is something that every human experience at one point in their life but then the big question is, how do I overcome my boredom? I do know that being bored is as a result of not having anything to do or lack of interest in doing something over and over so it means there is surely a solution to this problem of boredom and hopefully I pray it works for you too.

There are three major things I do when I'm bored and they are;

It's good that once you sense the signs of boredom, just look for something tangible to do : When I'm less busy I easily get bored and so the best way to cure such boredom is for me to just go and do something useful with my time and it's just a matter of time before that boredom disappears. Well, this is kind of a general solution and I'm positive it will also work for you except you have a really critical case of boredom, then I will advise you see a professional.

The second thing I do to overcome boredom is being flexible with my work style : What I mean is, I don't create only one pattern of working, I get creative in how I get my work done so I don't get tired of what I do. For some that know me, you will observe that I'm taking my Hive life seriously but don't you ever wonder why I don't get tired of being active here? I know you do but then one of the reasons is, I do other things that are also fun while hiving and it makes my working here more fun too and totally free from boredom.


The third reason which might be a little personal is, I do listen and sing when I'm feeling bored and it's just a matter of few minutes before I get lively again : Music is my quickest and favorite remedy to curing my boredom, once I start feeling bored all I do is go to my music Playlist and play any song there and my mind will just feel fresh again and start thinking creatively, hehe.

There you have it, the three things I do to overcome boredom and so far it has been really helpful and I know they might also be helpful to you too in a little way, so if you know you are feeling bored, I will advise you stop for some minutes, take a deep breath and just start by listening to one of the best songs on your music Playlist and then you should also try to get your self busy with something tangible and also know when to change what you are doing to also help you overcome boredom even before it comes while you work or while you are doing nothing.

That's all for now, until next time, stay AWESOME!!!


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