It's just interesting how mankind feels threatened by what they created (some people though). Since the invention of AI, humans have somehow started doubting what they can and cannot do. Due to how effective AI is in some areas, it has caused so many people to worry for their jobs and their place even in the society. Personally, I've always seen the invention of artificial intelligence as a tool to help humanity and I think so far so good it has been doing a really good job and that is why humans are now getting worried.

Since the invention of AI, I've personally be quite excited about it because even without me employing it's help in some things, I still give my best and people love it. I know what artificial intelligence is capable of to an extent and I know when and when not to employ it's help. There are some things that I do that do stress me out a lot but now that I have access to artificial intelligence, all I have to do is employ it's help to make things a lot easier and efficient.

As I mentioned a few times, I'm an hairstylist and to an extent, there is almost no replacement of hairstylist with artificial intelligence because it's something that has to do with skills. Not that artificial intelligence don't have skills but then even if they do, it would be so hard for any human to want to sit down so a robot can make their hair do. But then, they can be used in the production process of the equipment used in hair styling.

For people who work in that sector, the best they can do for themselves is getting to know how to make use of these robots, how to maintain them and also how to operate them properly and by so doing, they are definitely going to keep their jobs because those robots can't operate themselves, they need human intelligence to function properly. As long as you keep learning and growing your skill, then you have nothing to worry about even when there is a robot who does something similar to you.

Well, I don't think I can be replaced by a robot in my field of work but then when it comes to content creation it's a bit of a different ball game but then I'm still very confident. I'm not a professional when it comes to creating Contents but then I do know that I have the opportunity to learn and improve on my content creation skills thanks to artificial intelligence. I always prefer Contents that are original and void of artificial intelligence support and that's why I make little or no use of it.

The only area I appreciate AI is in the area of proofreading posts to help correct some grammatical errors and also suggest better grammars but despite it's usefulness in that aspect, I always prefer to still proofread my Contents myself. Of course I'm not an AI so it's very possible that I might still make a mistake at some point but then it gets better with time. Now I derive pleasure in proofreading my posts and make sure to correct errors before clicking on the publish button.

Thanks to a platform like Hive, even the novice in content creation gets better with time and so far so good, I've been able to get better in my writing even without the help of artificial intelligence. Now if I ever get to employ the help of an AI, it would still be as engaging as always because I've personally mastered to an extent, the act of content creation. Like they say, it's only when you have knowledge of something that you can tweak it.

My two major skills can't be obsolete because of AI, it can only get better and I'm confident about that because I plan to keep learning and developing on myself as well.

This is my response to the Hivelearners topic on "CAN A ROBOT DO IT BETTER?"

All Images used are mine

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