They say politics is a dirty game and I’m not surprised at all because when you look at it critically, it is us humans that have dirty minds and we are the ones practicing politics, so what do we expect? But, despite the fact that humans have the tendency to always tint towards doing what is evil, there is still every chance they can be better people too. Politics can only become a clean game when we all can disabuse our minds of the first judgement of what politics is. It is majorly due to that slogan that has made so many “good people” show apathy towards anything politics.

Personal, I don’t fancy being a part of anything politics because I feel I can’t change anything there so why be there? But you can obviously tell that that is just me trying to run away from responsibility. We have bad leaders today and that is because so many of us have failed to show interest in the selection process of picking those to lead us. In my country, the ex president Muhammad Buhari had a slogan which reads “Change begins with you”. I loved that slogan so much because it has the key to setting things right in my country and even in the world but then as small as it may sound, it is one of the hardest things we can just do.

So many times when I see how bad things keep getting, I just always tend to look at myself first and be sure I’m not doing anything that is adding to the situation but then most times I find myself in that same wrong doing. Being a leader is something I look forward to being one but first of all, that doesn’t stop me from being one now. We are leaders at various aspects of our lives but if we are waiting until we officially become leaders in our different groups and society before we effect changes, then we are wrong and it’s almost impossible for that change to come even when we get there.

You remember the saying, charity begins at home? It is very true. As an individual in a small circle, what are you doing to make that circle a place everyone want to be? How much are you making sure that what needs to be done is done? How much do you overlook things and wait for the next person to do it instead of you doing it? My goal is to be a leader but not necessarily a president of a country. It is going to be hard to effect a change on thousands of people at the same time but then it gets easier if we start with those around us and that is what I’m striving towards daily.

And when I’ve been able to achieve that to an extent, I can then consider going for something bigger because I don’t want to make the same mistakes our previous and present leaders have made. This is my opportunity to learn how to lead and I’m just going to do that because I’m not sure of what the future holds for me. And I’d also love to encourage as many of us that gets to read this that politics can be a better game but we all have to be intentional about being better individuals first. The change you so much seek in the present leaders, can you find that change in yourself? If no, then you know you need to also work on yourself.

As my Lord Jesus Christ said, if you want to take a log of wood out of someone’s eyes, you first have to take the log of wood in your own eyes if not you both will fall into a ditch. Yes, most of our leaders have failed us and we think that we have a better solution but trust me, you are still going to end up in something similar or even worst if you don’t build a strong foundation now. Politics is something that everyone needs to be involved with and not just some selected few. The more we give the power to the minority, the more harder it will become. And the power only goes to the minority because the majority let it happen.

If you want a change, be that change today and don’t wait until you get to be a leader first. This is my response to the Hivelearners topic on ”POLITICS FOR ALL”.

The images used are mine

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