In our lives, there are those times when we just get overwhelmed by everything happening around us and we just need to rest from all of those overwhelming stuffs. Holidays? Well they are good and they are bad, why? For me, I'd say holidays are good because we get a day, two or more off from official duties but it's bad because most of those days fixed for holiday may not necessarily be the day we need that rest.

I remember when I was working as an home lesson teacher, it was both hectic and fun for me. I was still in secondary school then but I got the opportunity to work as a teacher. I had to face school stress and teaching stress almost at the same time but it was just because I needed more income for myself and also to gain an experience too. I would always pray there will be days when my employer would call me not to come but sadly that never happens until a particular day when I'm really pumped for the job.

Over time my performance reduced because the timing wasn't just right most of the time. I prayed for holidays but the days I get it are days that I don't really want them. Aren't you surprised you never get enough holidays as you want? Ever wondered why? It's simple, it because most of those days public or specific holidays falls on are days when you would have loved to work and vice versa.

The aim of having holidays is to get some time to do some other activities that you hardly ever engage in as a worker. But sadly, when we get this holidays, the only thing we want to do is sleep and in worst cases try to complete some jobs we had piling up at our work place. And by doing any of those two stuffs, you will get to realize that time has passed by so quickly.

So personally for me, it's not more holidays I want, what I want is the ability to know when I need to get some rest whether or not there is holiday and rest. We all are working so hard day and night and it's for the sole purpose of making a good income that we can use to help ourselves, our families and others. But then, we should always realize that in trying to make this money, there is a need to rest and take some time to lead a healthy lifestyle.

I'm so guilty at not knowing when to stop and that's because I feel resting is a waste of time (it's not true). I battle with accepting that my body and soul needs rest and so I continue working and working until I finally break down. Holidays as good as they may seem, I don't think would ever be the solution to our problem. We should always be ready to give ourselves a break when we know we need it, whether or not there is an holiday.

Well, you may not agree with me but then I do believe that life is a teacher and it always leaves a lesson to everyone. The more we try to resist the rest that our body, our mind needs, it's only a matter of time before you will be wishing you had listened much earlier. And if you are working for someone that hardly ever gives you time to rest, have it somewhere within you that when you are gone, there will be a replacement and might even be better than you.

So prioritize your mental well-being because if you lose your sanity you are definitely going to lose the job you were so scared to loss at first. Holidays, like I said are never going to be enough as long as we still chose not to prioritize our well being first. The holidays we have now are more than enough, even too much but that is if we understand how to put ourselves first.

If you keep choosing money, work and family over your well being, then you are wrong because if anything happens to you, you will hurt those people and in worst cases, you might as well get a better replacement. I believe everyday would be beautiful if I'm always in the right frame of mind. So I don't have to think about how some days would be like if I wasn't working, I love working so I'm happy to get useful with myself but I want to learn how to fix a good balance.

That's my response to the Hivelearners topic on "WE NEED MORE HOLIDAYS".


Image credit to quduus1

And less I forget, I want to make an honorable mention to one of the amazing people Hive has blessed me with @quduus1 today is his birthday and I want to wish him a happy birthday and all the beautiful things life has to offer 🥰. You are loved Seyi 🤗.

All Images used are mine

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