It's not like being kidnapped is a good thing but I doubt if those who care to kidnap me will just drop me on the way if they ever get a change of mind, I'm kinda confident that they will take me to eat something nice first, hehe. Well, it's on them in the first place, why will they come and try to kidnap me in the first place? Anyways in the end it would all be for their own good because it means they will get an opportunity to dine with a princess 🤓.

I'm joking too much already right? I can see someone is interested, lol. Well that is just the beginning. Getting abducted by unknown men gun or ungun men known whatever is not an experience that anyone would be happy to encounter because first of all you might even pee in your pants 🤣. I'm not sure why I'm this happy while writing something this sad but I think it's because I know I'd get released or something, so let's dive in.

If I ever get kidnapped by some ruthless criminal and the only thing I can do to get myself freed is talking! Then I'm just going to talk about almost everything that I think we get me freed. I'm not sure what they might like to hear but one thing I want to have at the back or middle of my mind is that I will never let my fear show even though I'm so damn scared! 😬. You know why the Lion is called the King of the jungle? Because he is fearless and calculative, hehe. I'm not sure how true that is but take it like that 🌝.

But the Lion being fearless doesn't mean he doesn't get killed or something, he does but then he nevers show his fear to his opponent. Maybe until water pass garri 🤣 that is until things gets out of hand. I will try to think of anything that makes me comfortable so the fear can be hidden a little. I love asking questions and that is one thing that I know people get tired of easily.

So I'd opt in to asking those unmen gun known or ungun known men (kidnappers) questions. Like, wait! Is that not slippers you are putting on for this prestigious job you are doing? Nah!!! This is not good, you should take me with you no matter what, you need to get good pair of shoes. Saying that alone won't do anything sadly, hehe. But based on their reaction or response, I will get my next question.

But if I may ask, why do you guys kidnap for a living? Or is this your first time or something? Because I see that you have a good English so you could actually earn more and I know how, hehe (I'm always thinking of Hive 😂). And for you that you don't know how to speak good English like me, there is also a way for you to earn even better. Ahh! So you don't want, well that's fine then, just tell me why you kidnap for a living, I'm working on one documentary like that.

Too bad they might not even respond and that's when I will ask the final question but I won't just ask the question I will start with a chuckle and then a laugh. By doing this for as long as I can, they will definitely get interested to know what is wrong with me. I just realized that this is the dream I had last night, I saw two men but I wasn't sure who they were. They were taking me to where I don't know and on our way there was an accident and they both died but I didn't.

Please keep going don't stop, I love my dreams because they always come to pass, hehe. At this point the men will be thinking so much in there minds if they should listen to me or save themselves. And I will add the final part, although do you know the only way to avoid this accident? that's if you care which I know you don't, is by taking me to eat something nice and then back to my home and act like I was the one that invited you guys. That way you won't get into a fatal accident.

It's only a matter of few minutes and you will see how they will grab the last offer because trust me, everyone loves their lives and they hardly take those kind of things lightly, hehe. They will get me the food and even a take away for my family, lol (I told ya). Well, one thing is for sure, as long as I hide my fear well and I put everything in God's hands, that would definitely change my kidnappers mind, hehe.

This is my response to the Hivelearners topic on "WHEN YOU CAN'T STOP TALKING".

All Images used are mine

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