I think it’s a common thing now that some children often deviate from the way from which their parents tried to train them and for me I think there are so many reasons for that so it is some what expected. And in most parents defense, they often hardly ever accept that they made a mistake at some point or something, they always say they did their best and all but then I just feel like sometimes they should just try and be honest and accept that they got it wrong at one point or even points!

We are humans and we are imperfect beings, so trying to claim we did all we needed to do as parents to raise our children well and they still deviated is all because the child wanted to just deviate is something that I still find hard to accept. I know so many people will have a varied opinion from mine but I’m going to just share what I think anyways and see what others has to say.

Well I’m still a child so it’s possible that I’m looking at things from a distance so I might not get it right but then I believe that in every nonsense I say now there will be a little sense both parents and non parents can pick from it. Note this first, children are heritage from God and as parents, it’s good that we see them as such no matter the circumstances surrounding their birth. Training a child starts from the moment a mother knows she is carrying a fetus in her womb.

Luckily for us today, we are in a age when we can easily know that a little one or little ones are growing in a woman’s womb. From that point, parents are to start building a connection with the fetus. Though they are not full human yet but mind you, they have brain(s) too so they feel things as early as few weeks of their development phase. Now one thing is, most parents disregard this period, they think they don’t have to do anything until they can feel the child in their hands.

While there are some parents that still believe that as long as the child is within the age of 0-5 years, they don’t need any intense training because they are just little children after all. Only a few parents know that they need to train a child right from the start and that helps them to do even better and even when they make a mistake at some point they can easily retrace their steps back to the way it should be.

It’s always better to start something as early as possible but mind you, that doesn’t mean you can’t get a good result if you start late too but it’s just safer and easier to start early. And also bear in mind that there is no particular way to be the best parent and that’s why it’s good to be a parent that is willing to learn. Because if you can’t learn you won’t be able to teach (at least that is what I think). As a parent you have to understand that training up a child is not just giving birth to them, feeding, clothing and sheltering them, there is more!

Note, we are in a different age and we call this age the FAST AGE for a reason. Children are now so opened to mixed information from all around them so as a parent, the only time you really get to feed your children with what they need to grow up in the path you think is the right path is when they are still within the age of 0-5 because at this time they trust you more than anyone. In fact some see their parents as superheroes because they see that their parents always have answers to almost everything. Well, the work doubles when only one parent has to do all of the training but it is still possible especially with a mother but the fathers can do the job too.

A child changes from a path because of so many reasons like I mentioned earlier. But one major reason is the fact that they were surrounded with information that almost all of those information feels like the right thing and in the end they just end up having to choose by themselves and that means they might decide to not choose that of their parents because they didn’t help them know which exactly is the best for them. There is a saying that you can take a horse to the stream but you can force it to drink water, well as true as that may sound, I believe the major reason why a horse won’t drink is because they are not thirsty or because they see the water as unsafe for drinking.

For the last reason, the horse was then forced to make a decision for itself because it’s master was unable to detect if the water was fit for drinking or not. So if the horse is thirsty and they are given water that is confirmed to be the best why won’t they want to drink? They only refuse if they are not sure what kind of water they are given to drink. So as a parent, one thing to have in mind is you need to be sure of the information you feed your children with, don’t just give them anything because that is what they will see around as they grow up.

I feel like I’ve said too much already but let me conclude by saying this, if I become a parent, I want to be sure to take full responsibility for however my children turn out to be. If they end up deviating from what I’ve taught them, it is mostly a mistake on my part or I overlooked something but then that won’t stop me from always trying to correct them whenever I can but in love because now they are wise enough to make decisions for themselves.

That’s all for my response to this beautiful topic suggested in the hivelearners community on ”A CHANGE CHILD”. I’d be looking forward to your response because I know I’ve shook the table a little, hehe.

All Images used are mine

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