Speak The Truth No Matter Who Is Involved

Speaking the truth in whatever situation one finds himself b me lies with the mind that he wouldn't be punished I will double the punishment if I discover he lied. On a daily basis I encourage my children to speak the truth no matter the situation. My Pastor told a story how he signed the arrest of his father back then in the village. It happened that his father slapped someone and the police came to arrest him, when they came for the arrest the DPO asked if he was around when it all happened they said yes. So he was called to explained what transpired just and he said it was the father that slapped the man and that was how he was arrested. So if they really want to find out what happened he will be called upon because he doesn't lie.

Few weeks back I and some women from my Church went for an outreach to a school it turned out to be so dramatic and all. You know the way women will want to paint pictures so everyone will understand and most times we over exaggerate things. Believe me, most children are being molested and they don't know how to go about it, some of them are forced to keep quiet and all that.

As the speaker was vibrating and came to the point of dangers of exposing oneself to the opposite sex, one of the women shouted, if you allow the opposite sex to come in contact with your private parts, you will die. Aah, I exclaimed.. That is a beautiful lie I pointed out in my mind and tried to break it down. It is not that they will die oo, but of paraventure one contacts disease or gets pregnant it can lead them to drop out of school and many things attached to it.

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Women just specializes in giving colour to things just to suite what they have in mind. That lie helped anyways because after that program two girls came to speak out of how a boy if touching them in their sensitive part. One of them even said she tol[Image Source[Image Source sexher grand ma and she just prayed for her. I felt so sad about that and wish I could see their parents. We encouraged the kids to be strong and report to the school management if any of such happens again.

Lie is lie no matter how well we paint it. When you're u tell one lie, you will also be tempted to tell another lie just to cover up the previous lie and before you get to know the lies would be so much that you may not be able to control it again. Speak the truth no matter who is involved. I have met some people whose truth level is dependent on who is involved and what they stand to gain. These kind of people don't really last long and their integrity is always to be questioned.

As a way of summary, it is best to be know as one who speaks the truth in all situation and gradually the truth you speak will speak for you.

Thank you lovely friends for visiting my blog which is in response to the hive learners contest week 120 edition 2.

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