One Guiding Principle. Contentment

It's a new week, so happy new week to you all my dear friends. My wish you you in this week that all things to work together for your good. Another amazing time to interact in the community which I don't take for granted at all.

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In our tender days we are being guided by our parents who serves as mirrors to us helping to guide us through decisions in life even to the points of helping us have good morals, so you see parents who insists that their kids pattern their lives in a particular way because they have that strong feeling that by so doing the kids will not be lacking in any way. I strongly believe that the extent to which parents help the kids to form good morals goes a long way in helping them when they become adults.

One unbreakable code I have formed for myself is the code of contentment. Someone maybe asking, how is that a code? By the end of this post you will very much convinced that contentment is a strong code that everyone can't just flow with.

When I was very much younger, a day came on a Sunday morning I told my brother that was not going for service that morning because I was having a clothe as I had just a few and I felt I was already known with those one. My brother told me not to worry that a day will come in my life that I will have many and to spear. Sincerely, that word as little as it was struck a deep cord in me and I held it so dearly. Contentment is lacking in our world today that many want to meet up no matter what so they go about proving points and leaving above their standard.

Over time I have learnt to be contented with what I have no matter how little it may seem to be and it has saved me so much. I know of a lady who ran her shop down because she want to buy everything that passes by, she want to wear the latest clothe and all that. Not that it is bad to look good but not at the expense of your business. At the end the husband felt so bad and short down the shop and she is staying at home now because she couldn't manage the business.

Especially in this hash economy, that people are finding it so difficult to meet up with the basic needs of life it is important to be contented with what so ever one have because many are already depressed because they are not able to meet up with the standard they have set for themselves, many are leaving a life of debt just to meet up with a social class. There is nothing wrong with starting small, a consistent upgrade is easily sustained.

My input to the week #123 edition 1 of #hivelearners weekly contest. Thank You for coming around my blog today

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