Not The Adoption But The Treatment Will Determine......

Many children who are housed in a care home wish to have parents who they will call their own because of the level of love that is being given there or more. Some care homes are just a shadow of it itself because most people have turned it into a money making machine. Instead of directing the money they access to the welfare of the kids they decide to use it to better their own households. The kids feel bad because they see those things come in and pictures being taken with them and at the end what is being brought is not to their table.

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The wishes grow more with the elderly ones among them because they see and understand all that is going on but don't really know the way to approach it, if they eventually get to say a thing about it their matter may become even worst.

For some years now I have worked among the less privileged homes and I just have many wishes for them but one thing is a limiting factor, I don't have the financial capacity to take care of any of them and the space betrays me so much. At the moment my dreams ends in mere wishes, but as the day rolls by I believe things to change to the better for me so I can do what I have in mind for them.

Waking someday to the news by my parents that I was their adopted child will not be so much a surprise to me. Although at the initial I will so worth be traumatized. Now, a lot of things will be dancing through my mind at the beginning, first if I was being treated in a way that is totally different from other siblings I will just conclude that it was because I was not their biological child that was why they unleash led that kind of misbehavior on me. This will make me have a particular mindset towards them, as I am not wired to do bad to people I will just take to withdrawing to myself.

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Gracefully, if I was being treated with kindness, it will make it more difficult for me to believe what they are saying. If my adopted parents shows no indifference it won't bother me. Most of all, assuming I was seen as the first born among the other siblings and I am being given such respect by my other siblings, my love for them will increase drastically.

Always it is encouraged to let the children know of their original as time progresses especially when their mind is matured enough to bare it before they get to find out themselves. The impact it makes when you open up to them yourself may not be as much as when they get to know that themselves. It becomes more terrible if their adopted parents have been using them as slaves or treats them as inferior.

To me there is no hurt to be forgiven if I was being cared for with Love, my mind will travel far and wide if I was being given a second class treatment. This is the more reason we should love everyone we bring to our house without showing any difference. First to have an adopted child in my home there is a level of understanding which I am supposed to come up to. I should not just wake up someday and go and carry a child to my house. First I will have to go through some teaches which will help me have a transformed mind. There is no problem whatsoever with anyone having an child or children in his home because to me they feel more loved when they have someone they call their own closely.

Many countries of the world are doing their best to shout down these homes because of the low level of care these kids get to receive from these homes. They rather suggest that the children are being taken to different homes which makes caring for them more detailed.

To avoid misunderstanding from both the adopted child and the parents, the best to is to relate to the child his origin before he even gets to find out himself. Having one that is adopted in my home, once in a while I will bring up this teaching of how we are God's adopted children which is a true teaching from my own faith. When the kids gets to know that the home is a privileged place for them whether by birth or adoption it will help their minds that when the news is being broke they won't be so disappointed. If I am able to give a prober care without showing any difference it makes me feel more secured. I do tell my kids to see me as there privileged care giver. I make the to first reach God for everything they need then as God provides for us as their parents they will get to have it. This mindset alone has given lots of diffense to me because the kids won't grow seeing me as a superman, so even if someone is brought to the house tomorrow the orientation will also be passed, I have the system of respect so operational in my home so the younger dare not insult the elderly vice versa.

This is my input for the first edition of week 135 edition 1 contest. Thank you for reaching out to me through your visit to my blog

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