It Was With Missed Feelings But Ended On A Cheerful Side

Happy mid-week friends. Hope that all is just going well and as planned for you. Mine is fine though with some little down times in my health due to stress but in all am just trying my best to walk around the who thing.

Every comes with its own things, what we just do as humans is to make our own plans but how it will all work out is best know to God. On my own part I wanted going through this year so happy with lots of achievements which I already forecasted because last year was full of pain and grief. As I was going to be marking five years in my marriage with two beautiful younger ones.

But the whole plans of achieving beautiful time with the family was put to a hold with the several death that occured in the family. Our plans was just changed to how to lay the dead to rest, we know what that all means, almost three weeks was just gone and by the time we recovered a little it was school runs time and anniversary was just in few days time.

Now am I to think of paying school fees, the daily running or the lunch box. That will somehow be foolish of me to do and forget the kids school needs. Initially we wanted traveling out to see places, purchase a new ring as we renew our marriage vows all these plans was just put to a hold.

I wasn't sad but I was not happy. Debby was just there looking for ways to cope with the whole situation. In all I just give God the glory because of life, there is hope for the living. I just pray for live and more money so we will be able to meet our needs.

Last month which was May ended in a good note for me because my sister was part those that convocated. Her academic pursuit was a challenging one, but she stood her ground and made it at last. Her story just made me to resolve that destiny many be delayed but when one don't give up it will be manifested. Going home to visit my parents in-laws was a big achievement for me because we got to celebrate the Children's Day with them. Before we came home my father in-law was not feeling too okay but our presence brought lots of relief to him. He ended up playing a trick on us which made use stay for an extra night. Baba came with extra bag of stories. When he saw it was already dark and there is no way we could move he told us an extra story of how lonely he use to be when everyone goes out for their daily endeavor.

The last week in may was one of the best for me because I had lots of time to rest.i didn't have to wake every morning for school runs or even start thinking so much of what the kids will eat, grand ma was always there to help out in that. I slept when I felt like and reduced my activity online just to refresh myself...till now am just trying to be fully back though I feel like going for a whole month.

My entry to the hive learners contest #117 edition 2. Thank You for visiting my blog.

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