Award Winning Proverb

Well, am happy that I didn't miss this contest though it was a mixed feeling. It has not been easy for me due to so many things that are happening with my offline business. Nevertheless, am fine.

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This is kind of funny sha, I speak proverbs a lot. Those that know me so well can testify to the fact that I speak in proverbs. I hardly engage in conversation without putting one or more proverbs. See, one day I almost landed in trouble the worst of it was that I spoke that proverb to a mother. In this part of the world you don't dare speak proverbs to an elder as they take you to be disrespective.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step

This is one proverb that I have held onto for a long time now. You know in life most times the young forks feel that things just happen and what you labored for over 5 years can just be theirs just like that. I always remind them that it takes processes that also subjected time to get to the desired place.

Over time when I invite people to the #hive community I try to make the point clear that you don't just sign up a go and relax, there is a place of work that requires consisténcy. To be known in the system you have to be a friend of the system and do a lot of following, commenting, and posting plagiarism-free content.

This proverb in mind has taught me great less to take one step at a time. I also have learned how to relax my mind no matter how pressing any matter is if it is trying to give me some headache I just let it and then go to sleep, waking up I can look for someone who can assist me.

Also, I have come to know that things don't just happen but men walked for it, some of them paid so many sacrifices to get to the level that they are and a step at a time will also take ae to the level I so desire.

How I wish that many young stars will learn from this proverb and also apply it, this will help them to learn that it takes a step and another to make it In life as a journey of a thousand miles starts with giving a step forward.

This is my entry for the ongoing contest of the #hivelearns community on the proverb.

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