Unveiling Splinterlands Future Through The New Reward Cards

Hello everyone, and Splinterlands warrior, how are you doing today? I have witnessed different types of abilities in the splinterlands game, and one thing I know is the more cards are released, the more abilities we will see in splinterlands.
Few days ago, when I read Splinterlands Reward Cards Update it was breathtaking for me. Those abilities were really something we all should have if we really want to earn big in splinterlands. They are really wonderful and they are part of the future of splinterlands.

Letโ€™s look at some of the Reward cards and their abilities:

๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„Olivia of the Brook๐ŸŽ‹๐ŸŽ‹

This Card was revealed by @bitcoinflood on x.com Here is the link X

Mana: Olivia of the Brook is a 6-mana monster which is suitable for a battle with lower mana and higher mana. It can be used when lower mana is given, especially, when the rule is good for the monster.
Speed: the speed is not that encouraging, and a player who is using a summoner that gives +2 speed to all friendly monsters will make ***Olivia of the Brook ***attack faster: addition of a monster with swiftness will make it attack faster.

This is one of the reasons Olivia of the Brook is not suitable in the first position. For me, using this monster is a waste for me. There is no ability that could make Olivia the brook to withstand massive attack, and we all know that the front line is the most attack area in most of the battles i have fought.
โš’โš’ Armorโš’โš’
This is a defense against melee and ranged monsters- we all know that melee and ranged monsters damage the armor before health.

Mimic: At the beginning of round 2 and each following round, gain a random ability from the enemy team. 25% chance to gain a random ability from an attacker when hit. Dispel removes one mimicked ability in the order they were gained. Debilitations, targeting abilities, ambush, weapons training, flank, reach, charge, and taunt cannot be mimicked.

Opportunity: Unit with the opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy unit with the lowest health.

Reflection Shield: This unit doesn't take damage from blast, magic reflect, thorns or return fire.

Olivia of the Brook has two attacks- melee and magic attacks. These attacks make Olivia of the Brook one of the future cards in splinterlands. Olivia of the brook will be a good monster against summoners with โ€˜protect abilityโ€™; there were several times I was paired up with players that used a summoner or monster with protect ability. It took the second round for my opportunity monster to destroy the opponent's monsters with 1 health and armor. If there was an Olivia of the Brook, it wouldnโ€™t have taken a second round to eliminate a monster with 1 health and armor.
With mimic ability, starting from the second round, **Olivia of the Brook has 25% chance to gain random ability from the attacker when hit. Certain abilities like Ambush and Taunt, cannot be mimicked.
Reflection shield makes Olivia of the Brook one of the best monsters against 'magic reflect', thorns and return fire.
Best battle rules
Best Rules to use Olivia of the Brook
Briar Patch- When Briar patch rule is given, anytime a monster without magic reflects attacks, the health or the armor of the attacker is damaged. The presence of Olivia of the brook is one of the best options to use in this kind of battle. The 'magic reflect' will not allow the thorns ability to have an effect on the monster.

Explosive Weaponry: strategic use of the Olivia of the Brook can give one flawless victory when explosive weaponry rule is given. Since the blast ability cannot damage the health and armor of Olivia of the Brook, when an attacker hits adjacent monsters, it is one of the best monsters to use. Another advantage of ***Olivia of the Brook ***in explosive weaponry is that it attacks monsters with the smallest health which could disorganize the lineup of an opponent.

Monsters that cannot be mimicked could be very dangerous to Olivia of the Brook.
For instance, if a player uses a monster with taunt, the mimic ability would be ineffective. If such a taunt monster could not be destroyed in-time, the whole lineup could be destroyed.

๐Ÿฆ ๐Ÿฆ Shock Trooper๐Ÿฆ ๐Ÿฆ 

This card was revealed by Blockchain cards in X

Mana: The mana of Shock Trooper makes it the best monster against little league. The highest mana a player can use when little league is activated is 4. The 4 mana makes Shock Trooper my favorite!
It is also good when small manners are given such as 18 and below.

Apart of 4 speeds, it has swiftness which will give +1 speed to all opponent monsters. I am very sure that I would have won 90% of my little league battles. The swiftness would have made the majority of my monster attack before opponent monsters.

Shock Trooper has magic attack- direct attack to health without hitting armor except when weak magic is among the rules. I like magic attacks because I don't need to damage armor in a battle.
An attack from Shock Trooper could eliminate a monster when little league is activated, this is because most of the monsters do not have higher health.
The highest health of my monsters when little league is given is 7 or 8; if Shock Trooper attacks such a monster, it only remains 3 health to eliminate such a monster.
Shock Trooper is also good when magic monsters are only allowed in the battle: a player should be very careful and strategic, Prismatic energy can cut-short the life of Shock Trooper.
5 magic attacks are incredible, and monsters with void and phase abilities have the capacity to stand against Shock Trooper in battles.


Electrified: Deals 1 damage to all allied units at the beginning of each round.

Swiftness: All friendly units have their speed increased by 1.

Magic Reflect: When hit with magic damage, does half the magic damage (rounded up) back to the attacker.

โ—โ—Best battle rules to use Shock Trooperโ—โ—
Little league: One of the advantages of Shock Trooper is the magic attack which can destroy a monster; and the second is the โ€˜electrified ruleโ€™ which damages 1 unit at the end of each round. It is certain that at the end of each round, 1 unit will be damaged from all of the opponent's monsters.
When a player uses Stormbringer, it simply means that Shock Trooper will have 6 magic attacks. It is very massive!

Void, Phase and Magic reflect abilities; Monsters like Prismatic energy and ***Djinn Oshannus ***will be a big challenge to Shock Trooper. For instance, If the opponent player uses Djinn Oshannus, it will reduce the attack, and probably, Shock Trooper may miss the attack due to phase ability. The primary ability of Prismatic Energy is 'magic reflect'; higher level has void ability. Therefore, higher levels of Prismatic Energy could be dangerous to the monster.

Monsters and Summoners with Protect ability
Since Shock Trooper damages 1 unit at the end of each round, if monsters or summoners with protect ability are used, it may be eliminated from the battle before round 2. Therefore, it may not have time to perform electrified ability.
There are many players that use the protection ability when Earthquake is given; and they won the battles.

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The rest of the pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
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