Good day to hivers, how are you doing in your various places of work? It is understandable that computers do better than harm. Thanks to scientists that made who brought this to existence. It is now easy for me as a teacher to get instructional materials online. In few years ago when technology was not available in my country, the only way teachers had access to hardcopy.
Knowledge was also limited to a particular set of people because they had access to books in those days.
My father told me that they only had access to their notebooks in those days; textbooks were only available in the library and not everyone could enter library in those days.
My father told me that my generation is a lucky generation, there is library online: even if you don’t want to enter school library for a semester, it is possible now.
“You can even take all the books in the library with you; you can take them to wherever you are going. You can copy 1,000 textbooks to your flash drive, computer, or keep them in your phone drive, even if your phone is lost, you can get them back. You are too lucky to be part of this generation: due to the advancement of knowledge, new theories evolving every day, people are producing new and sophisticated machines, drugs to cure some incurable diseases are being manufactured, machine are produced to secure the nations.
“It is very possible to communicate with someone far from you which was a big barrier to us; we have to write letters in those days with ink and paper, send the letter. Sometime it took six months to get feedback from the letter you sent. Today, you just need to get the person’s phone number, and get credit. I called, sent email, and chatted with some of my friends that are overseas.”
As a teacher, I have more than 30 latest materials used to teach my students here: they are the latest materials I used to teach mathematics and Basic Science.
Without technology, I would still be making use of those books in the library that is more than my age. If not, a company that brought some textbooks to us few months ago; for the past five years, the government have not given my school any textbooks.
If there was no technology, knowledge wouldn’t have spread like fire these days; few people that have access to books would have enjoy knowledge among themselves.

There are a particular set of students I teach online just because they have access to technology which is phone and network. I have not met anyone of them physically but their testimonies are incredible, they make exploit in their schools, and some of these students win competitions with little effort I put into them, teaching them online.

Some of my students that have access to phones often happen to be the best, and they do well in their unified examination. Whenever I give them assignments to do, they often get the answers, and share their knowledge with other students in the class.
There are times I give them a topic to research on and share with us in the class.
Technology makes education simple now, not like in the olden days when people viewed education as one of the hardest things on earth: that was the reason few people were educated in our locality.
80% of children that were supposed to be in school were farmers, the rest of the children were running away from school, even though education was free.

I teach adolescence with the age range of 10-17. Adolescence stage is a transitions stage, is a crucial developmental stage that parents have to guide their children; the stage is full of peer influence and peer pressure; it is stage that they want to be independence, they believe they can do what their fathers and mother is doing; it is a stage full of problem and sexual urge.
About 20 of my students fell victim to sexual urges: one day I was walking in the corridor of my school, I saw about 7 students watching something on a phone, the students were not aware that I was coming, they did not know when I walked into them.
Guess what they are watching! They were watching porn movies from the phone, and when I collected the phone to check, more than 15 porn videos were on the phone. I was surprised to see the number of porn movies in his phone.
I did not give him the phone for a week, I was researching how many people he had influenced; I had from students that there were many girls and boys rent his phone to watch movies. I called one of them that is very closed to me and asked her, ‘why do you like to rent his phone?’
She spoke, “Master, I will tell you the true, I watch porn movies because I like those porn movies. It is not only me; many of us are watching it together.
The surprising thing to me was that there was a day I saw students of age 10-12 kissing each other’s, and these students were those that watched porn movies together. There are about 5 students within the age of 12-15 got pregnant last year, and most of these students watched porn movies.

Loss of concentration: Monday January16th, 2023, my vice principal addressed the students about bringing phones to school.
He said, “no student is allowed to bring phone to school anymore”.
The reason for the action was that, most of the students do not concentrate on learning, some of them continue pressing their phones and playing games when teaching and learning is taking place. There was a report that those big boys among the students don’t even care again, they would come to school but refused to enter class, they hid somewhere and were busy with their phones.
The concluded research I was fortunate to lead in my school was very awful. There was low academic performance on the senior students that have phones, they lack moral values, are absent in the school, and promiscuous.

The school management have decided to hold a meeting next week with their parents to address the issues they are facing in the school.
The overuse of phones is causing adverse effects on our culture and tradition; the children under the age of 18 are no longer safe again, majority of them are wayward, pervert the traditions and cultures of our lands. Underage is getting pregnant, the boys are exposed to alcoholism, fornication, lies, and many more.

In conclusion, the problems associated with negative effects of computer and technology are conquerable if the teachers, parents, and government join hands together.
If you want to get a phone for your kids, you need to set the phone to kid mode and make sure you track the phone.
This will give you rest because these kids are very smart, some of them can operate phones better than their fathers and mothers; they wonder where they learn such skills. I got this testimony from a parent that came to complain that his kid doesn’t sleep at night just because they bought a phone for her.

I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness.
Thank you for reading my post.

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