Hello friends, how are you doing❓ I would have written the post since yesterday but I network glitch that made not to come online for hours. After the network was finally restored, I could not write the post because I had work to complete then.

Well❗❗ If I am going to change to animal, I only have one option which is lion🦁.
All my friends in neoxiancity discord channel called me lion; this is because my love for this animal. A few years ago, when I became engrossed watching Nat Geo Wild, the only animal I loved to watch was the lion🦁.
Lion🦁 strategies to hunt prey are very unique, calculated and special; they hide inside the grass🌿, making a slow movement toward the prey. After a close range with prey, lions🦁 make movement to attack prey.
There are lessons I derived from how lions hunt animals. Lions🦁 can stay more than 3 hours inside grass calculating and watching the prey. I learned that there are sometimes in life you need patience to get what you want.
Even though the lion🦁 is hungry, he is always calculative and patient in waiting for the prey: there are circumstances that require one to be patient before you can achieve certain things. I learned this from lion🦁.

Patience is a virtue that one must possess in this life: there was a time I lost my wallet some years back when I was in a camp. About 10 of us were living in a large room, I knew my wallet was with me when I came in the night. When I woke up early in the morning, I couldn’t find the wallet which contained my credit card, money, passport, ID card and business cards.
Early in the morning, I was searching everywhere in the room and I was asking others. They said they did not see any wallet.
There was a young man👨 among us who was caught stealing: he stole someone phone in the camp and was caught. My mind told me that it could the young man that stole my wallet; I wanted to call him and ask him since he was caught is such act; he was my first suspect, the other person that was also my suspect was a young man in the same bunk with me.

I calmed myself down, went back to my bunk searching everywhere: I found the wallet in my bag. I realized while I was about to sleep, I kept it in the small pocket on my back.
I would have made a mistake if I accused those two suspects, and I would have blamed and felt guilty for not searching properly before suspecting them; this would have resulted in grudges and insults to them.

Sometimes, because we are not patient enough, we ought to accuse innocent people of what they did not do. Because we are hurt, tempered and impatient, we make wrong decisions or blame someone falsefully.
A man accused his pregnant wife of committing adultery, divorced her because he lacks patient; he also refused to do paternity test after they suggested the test to him.
A year after the matter had gone beyond repair, he realized that he accused his wife wrongly due to lack of patience.
Studying lions made me realize that patience is a virtue one must possess. I need patience to make decisions, act rightly and be at peace with everyone. Being patient does not me that to be slow, coward or gentle; it is to make right choice or decision, be smart and have the sense of good judgement.

Study lion made me a planner: Lion plan before it attacks, that was the reason lion can be in a spot for hours to catch prey. I have watched lions in Nat Geo Wild for hours waiting for prey. The lion was watching the prey, and getting close to her util it was about a few distance before the lion made the move.
Before I come out from the house in the morning, I make my plan for the day of where to go, what to do, what to eat, and many more. I make a plan of what to achieve before the month or year ends. I make short-term and long-term goals.

Focus and Vision: woo! I have watched lions chasing more than 50 animals at the same time, they only go after the one they aim for. Even if the one they aim for is in the front, while the others are behind, they will go for that one and leave the rest behind.

There was a day I was watching lions chasing after Zebras🦓; the zebras🦓 were more than 50: those lions only aimed at a particular zebra🦓, even though they left are in the middle of those zebras🦓, they were chasing after particular one.
I learned that focus and vision is very important in my life, I need to make my vision clear just the way lion makes it clearer. That is the reason they hardly failed in their vision.
Focus is also important, despite there being many zebras, they only chase after a particular one. They are not distracted by the same color and the number of zebras🦓.
Even though they were in the mist of zebras🦓 where they could catch anyone, they went after one they aimed at.

I learned that I should focus on whatever goal I set for myself; even though there is distraction, I should keep focus in that particular goal.
There was a time I needed to buy a phone; it was a particular time I had many emergency expenses to cover; yet, I was focused on getting the phone. I was not distracted by emergency expenses, and other expenses.
Sad Family Time GIF by Lifetime
I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness.
Thank you for reading my post

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