Hello spinterlands lovers, how are you doing today❓ I Should have made this post yesterday but I was having serious challenges that made me postpone it.
Well! Today is a good day; I was able to make the post successfully.
Yesterday, my aim was to battle and then blog; when I played 6 battles, I lost 60% of it; that was the reason I stopped playing yesterday because my power was going down sporadically. My power was less than 25 without getting a single focus chest. To avoid wasting power unnecessarily, I decided to stop playing the game for that day.
When I woke up this morning, it was necessary for me to play Splinterlands because the season is far approaching and my season rewards were 16: it is very small compared to previous seasons.
This morning, I was able to get 5 focus chests and 19 season chests; probably before the season ends. I may be able to get more than 30😀😀. Therefore, my target for this season is 30 chests.

This morning when I wanted to check the goodies in Splinterlands blog, I saw the good news about the new promo card.
To get the details about the new promo card, click the link 👉👉👉 THE FIRST MULTI ELEMENT SPLINTERLANDS CARD!
When I read the write up about Zyriel harnessing, I was blushing for the card. This card will be allowed to be used in battles where neutral cards are not allowed. That is an incredible card!
I can't wait to see how useful the card is in battle; there are many features of this card I need to experience. I want to see how she trains non-attacking monsters to use her range attack in battles. Though I have seen monsters like this in battles such as the kulu mastermind that trained creepy ooze to use half of his melee attack in a battle.
I love the leech ability of Zyriel Harnessing because it is an additional advantage to the monster. As she targets the attack, additional health is added to her health which will make her stay longer in the battle.
I believe Zyriel Harnessing will be very useful in many rules in Splinterlands.
One thing to my disadvantage is the money to get this card, if I have money to get it, I won't hesitate to buy it. 80,000 DEC for single BCX zyriel. A total estimate of max zyriel will cost $700 which is too much for me.

🦚🦚Brawl news🦚🦚
Hello brawlers, my Guild team did well in the recent brawl battle. Almost every one of us won 80% of the battles.
I entered 4 brawl battles yesterday, and when my opponents entered their battles this morning; I was able to win 3 out of four. Also, many of my Guild team were able to win more. For instance, of the three players that entered 5 battles, 2 of them were able to win all while the third player won 4 battles; one of the 2 players that entered 6 battles was able to win 5, while the other won 4.
At the end of the brawl, our team, which is the buildteam third position; won 28 battles and lost 12 battles (W -28, L- 13, D-0). Therefore, the buildteam total points is 84.
We were rewarded with 10 crowns, 462 merits and 12.560 SPS.

I don't know if I am the only one that is happening while selecting monsters in Splinterlands😌😌.
I make these mistakes frequently and I made it in three consecutive battles today😣😣.
I was given three battles in a single battle- fog of war, explosive weaponry and eleven. I understand those rules very well; yet, I selected the wrong monsters for the battle. I knew that sneak, opportunity and snipe monsters lose their abilities- when using melee monsters with sneak and opportunity in any position rather than first position, such monsters will not attack in this type of a rule, but snipe monsters with range ability would be able to attack monsters in the first position, snipe monsters will not be able to snipe.
I went ahead and selected sneaked and opportunity monsters, neglected the 'fog of war' rule which resulted in my loss. This happened to me in three consecutive battles where I neglected a rule.
This is the reason one needs to pay thorough attention to every rule given in battles if one wants to maintain a winning streak.

Wand out rule: This is a rule that allows only magic monsters to be used in battles. ❌❌ It does not allow range and melee monsters to be used❌❌.
In some cases, this rule may be attached to other rules in battles; in order word it may be only a wand out rule in a battle.
The major reason I love to use djinn oshannu was the void ability. The void ability is very instrumental in this kind of rule- reducing the magic attack of opponent monsters. If you

The following are my challenges:
Prismatic Energy: there are monsters with higher levels of prismatic energy monster; the monster reflection is very powerful, a time that damaged and eliminated my magic monsters. I had the experience where prismatic energy had the combination of void and reflection; I was not able to destroy a single monster from the battle because of these abilities. Therefore, the prismatic energy monster is one of the scariest monsters to encounter in this battle.
Monsters or summoners with silence ability: monsters or summoners are also my biggest challenge. I encountered Splinterlands players with this strategy. The recent one I was paired with used both a monster and a summoner with silence ability in the same battle. I was hoping that my summoner that gives all friendly monsters additional magic would be helpful.
But the silent ability of my opponent monster and summoner reduced the magic attack of my monsters to 1. Therefore, my monster could not have an impact in the battle.
Lord Arianthus: some players used this non-attack monster in the first position especially when magic reflection is among the rules. Since Lord Arianthus has void ability, it stays longer in this type of a battle.

I used a combination of three monsters- Djinn Oshannus, Tank Heal monsters and Doctor Blight. But not all the time monsters with tank heal are available and not every time the affliction and poison abilities of Doctor Blight is activated.
But this strategy worked for me in some cases.
Note: the higher the levels of monsters and summoners, the higher chances of winning the battles.


Wand outs: Only monsters with magic attack may be used in battles.

Reverse Speed: Monsters with lowest speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading the attacks.

Click here to watch the battle


Djinn Oshannus
Level: 2⭐⭐
-Void: this is the ability that made me pick Djinn Oshannus in the first position in this battle. I knew that the void would be good enough to reduce the magic attack of the opponent's monsters.
Despite the speed of Djinn Oshannus not being important in this battle, I knew that the void would be of importance in this battle. That was the reason four monsters from the opponent side could not have effect on Djinn Oshannus; they had one magic attack.
Another monster I would have loved to introduce I'm this battle was Merdaali Guardian because of her tank heal. Unfortunately, she was not available in this battle because she is not a magic attack monster.
Djinn Oshannus was not destroyed in this battle.

Captain ghost
Level: 3⭐⭐⭐
-Affliction: this is not my purpose for selecting Captain Ghost. I have strategized that my opponent may use a monster with blast ability. Captain Ghost's health would be able to hold a little longer before it is eliminated; the blast ability was the major reason I placed captain ghost second position: any mistakes to select a monster with lower health may cause failure. I knew how blast ability monsters have caused havoc in my lineup.
Fortunately, my opponent used a blast ability monster.

Riverboat Captain
Level: 1⭐
-Blast: I needed this ability to damage the health of opponent monsters.
Since reverse speed was part of the rulesets; Riverboat Captain was among my preferred monsters- Riverboat Captain is among the monsters with lowest speed in Splinterlands. That was the reason he was the first monster to launch an attack in this battle; the blast ability of Riverboat Captain destroyed Venari Spellsmith in the second round.
This is the reason I used Captain Ghost in the second position.

Coral wraith
Level: 1 ⭐
-Sneak: One of the most useful magic attack monsters. coral Wraith sneaking ability is very good, damaging monsters from behind.
I love to use this monster in 'back to basic' rule battles; though Coral wraith lost its sneak ability in any back to basic rule but its magic is very useful.

Doctor Blight
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
I understood that tank heal would not be allowed but the magic attack and poison ability was important.
The first round Doctor Blight's poison was activated on opponent Djinn Oshannus; The poison was cleansed by River Nymph because of her cleansing ability.
Hence, the magic attack and the poison ability were the main reasons for choosing Doctor Blight.

Spirit Harder
Level: 1 ⭐
-Triage: this ability allows the monster to heal a friendly back-line monster that has taken the most damage. Since Captain Ghost was the only monster damaged, it got healed back by Spirit Hoarder.

In conclusion, there are many ways to fight when the wand out rule is given; but for this one I fought today, my strategy is the best.
My opponent is also awesome and his lineup was also good.

I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale

Thank you for reading my post.
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Credit to splinterlands for the pictures in this post.

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