Introducing Zyriel - The First Multi-Element Splinterlands Card!

The Splinterlands team is excited to announce the next promo card that will be offered for sale in the Splinterlands shop - Zyriel! Harnessing the divine might of the celestials and the demonic forces of Mortis Deep, Zyriel is the first of her kind: a dual-element card that straddles the boundary between Life and Death. Experience her fall from grace and journey to redemption, and get ready for a whole new chapter in the lore and gameplay of Splinterlands!

Zyriel will be a Legendary Life/Death Monster card, and a total of 15,000 single-BCX Zyriel cards will be available for purchase in the Splinterlands shop starting on Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023 at 4:00 PM ET / 20:00 UTC and the sale will run for 30 days or until the cards sell out, whichever comes first.

The base purchase price for each single-BCX Zyriel card will be 80,000 DEC or Credits, and players may receive up to a 50% discount on the purchase price by spending VOUCHER tokens at a rate of $0.25 per VOUCHER token spent. Please note that DEC-B tokens will not be able to be used for promo card purchases and that purchases of the promo card using Credits will not be eligible for referral payments.

Each Zyriel card purchased will have a 4% chance of being a Gold Foil version of the card, and players will be guaranteed to receive at least one Gold Foil version of the card if they purchase 25 Zyriel cards in a single transaction. There will be no limit to the amount of Zyriel cards that each account can purchase during the sale, but there will be a maximum of 25 cards that can be purchased per transaction. There will also be measures put in place to prevent automated purchases and to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to purchase the card if they are ready when the sale begins.

Show Me The Stats!

First and foremost, Zyriel is the first multi-element card to be introduced into the Splinterlands. As a Life & Death card, Zyriel can be used with both Life and Death element Summoners, or Dragon/Neutral Summoners when either Life or Death is chosen.

While there are already Neutral cards in the game which can be used with any Summoner, they typically have lower power levels to compensate for their increased utility. Zyriel, on the other hand, will have a power level that is in line with element-specific cards, but will still have double the playability of a typical single-element card. Additionally, Zyriel will give bonus RP when used with both Life and Death focuses, and will be able to be used in battles where Neutral cards aren't allowed.

On top of being the first multi-element card in the game, Zyriel is also the first tradeable card in the game to have the new Weapons Training ability! This allows her to train cards with no attack to use her powerful ranged attack, and she can be combined with the other soulbound Weapons Trainers like Aves Sturgis and Skok Duskblight to give multiple attacks to no-attack cards, turning these normally passive creatures into potent damage dealers.

While Zyriel starts out with low health and needs to be protected at first, she gets stronger as the battle progresses by Leeching health from her prey. She also has Divine Shield which helps protect her earlier on and she reduces the enemy's armor via the Rust ability, making her attacks more likely to hit enemy flesh and trigger her Life Leech ability.

At only 7 Mana, Zyriel will fit into many teams and many situations, and we look forward to seeing her play a big role in the Splinterlands meta far into the future.

Finally, please note that on land, multi-element cards will be considered as whichever element gives them the highest terrain bonus. For example, Zyriel will receive a +10% terrain bonus on Badlands, Bogs, Forests, Hills, Jungles, Mountains, Plains, and Swamps.

Get Yours While Supplies Last

We want to remind everyone that there will be a maximum of 15,000 single-BCX Zyriel cards minted in total and available for sale, and after those are sold or the sale ends then the only way to get them will be from other players on the peer-to-peer market.

Given the price point of 40,000 DEC/Credits + 160 VOUCHERs (if using the max VOUCHER discount) and the awesome strength and utility of the card, we expect that they may sell out very quickly, so if you're looking to pick some up in the sale we recommend that you have your DEC, Credits, and VOUCHERs, ready to go when the sale begins next Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023 at 4:00 PM ET / 20:00 UTC.

Zyriel Lore

The landscape was a pure, shining light save for the portal that rose before her. It was filled with smokey colors of purple and orange that spun in a counterclockwise whirl. It fizzed and hissed as the wind whipped around it.

“What will you do?” came a voice from behind her.

Zyriel didn’t turn. She gathered her robes around her and stared into the portal. “I’ll find another way to get what I want.”

“You won’t seek redemption, Zyriel the Fallen?” the voice asked.

“Is that what they’re calling me now?”

“Some call you the Betrayer.”

Zyriel snorted. “Are you telling me you wouldn’t read from the book if you thought none would know, sister?” Zyriel waited, but no reply came. “That’s what I thought.”

The squall howled around them. It tugged at Zyriel’s hair and broken wings. She remembered what it was like to soar through the skies. Now, her wings were useless. Anger raged inside her like a storm. They’d taken so much from her.

“You can still find redemption.”

Zyriel let out a bitter laugh. “You think I want to be redeemed?” She spread her tattered wings. Several of the remaining feathers were ripped away by the wind and drifted into the ether. “I accept the consequences of my sins. In fact, I welcome them. They’re a reminder of the hypocrisy that blinds us. Well, guess what? I’m blind no more. And I promise you this: I’ll be back. Then we’ll see who bows to who.”

The portal spun faster. It tugged first at Zyriel’s robe, then at her body. She staggered forward a step.

“Power isn’t everything,” the voice said.

“It is to me.”

The gravitational force of the portal pulled Zyriel off her feet and sucked her inside of it, and she was gone, swept away to whatever destiny may come.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Splinterlands!

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NOTE: All rewards from this post will be sent to @sps.dao.

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