Hello friends, how are you doing today? Hope your day is going well over there?
I was reading posts about the most the present hive learner featured content; I was happy to read come of the posts today.
One of the posts was written by @mrenglish, I had many friends that said they want to escape to another country. In his own opinion, travelling out of the country for greener pasture is good.
This was how my friends thought also, they believed that if you travel out of our country, you will survive because we are very hardworking. I understand that the country is not smiling at all; there is high number of unemployment everywhere, the wealthy ones don’t want others to get ahead of them.
I have friends in many countries; and many of them are living very fine. I received an email from them to ask them to come over; there are times I felt like joining them and enjoying what they are enjoying; there are times I felt like I should stay in my country.
I also had bad news about some of my friends that were not doing well; one of them emailed me that I should send him money a few months ago, sent the money to him.
Not quit long when I also received an email from another friend that needed my help; he told me that he needed money to renew his visa. He said that, “Chris, I need money from you to renew my visa”.
I called him on WhatsApp that, Joseph, do you know that we were many that were walking together in secondary school days? Therefore, I have more than 20 friends outside the country, and some of them are living very fine. What is really happening to you?
Well! Since I can’t afford to give her the money he needed, I called some of my friends to help him; and they helped him out.

Traveling out is very good; but I do advise my friends to get everything ready from here before they travel out of the country. They should get a job from here before traveling: but if you are traveling out to study, it is not compulsory to look for job from here. when you reach the place, you can get a job for yourself.

I have friends that were very eager to travel, when they got there, they started to run from one place to another, hiding themselves not to be caught by police because they entered the country illegally.
My advice for @mrenglish is that traveling is very easy; but you should do the necessary things- make sure all the documents are genuine. thanks God you are in the line- writing exams, and going to embassy.
Well! I have been invited several times but never know what I will go there to do. My plan is that if I have money, I can only travel out to spend holidays. I love my country and there are things I can do here which I can’t do in a foreign country.
This is because I love freedom so much and this is the reason I love to stay here.
Note: anything can happen tomorrow, you may see my post here that I'm out of the country.

I was reading about the posts today; I realized that no man on the planet that has it all’ there are many people today that they have money to everything they want but did not have peace or good health.
This reminds me of a woman in my area, this woman and her husband are wealthy; they have money to get everything they wanted. The problem is that there is something lacking in their lives: they tried their possible best to get a biology child, they have not gotten one up till now. They did IVF (In Vitro fertilization) several times, it failed. Therefore, a baby is the most expensive thing for such couples.
This is the reason I believe that you can’t have it all. There must be something that you want to get but it is really hard to get; such a thing is very expensive to such a person.
There are people that want peace right now in their lives, they toiled around the world to get peace but they could not.

For me, one of the most expensive things I wanted Is FINANCIAL FREEDOM.
In my perception, financial freedom is having enough funds to cater for my immediate needs, enough investments, assets, and businesses.
I believe, financial freedom is not to depend on paid work or study in business university but ability to meet your need and want, and also having enough fund, having enough insurance, create different sources of income, create a wallet for emergency, living good house of your own, having good cars, investing in businesses, and, many more.
When I asked my friend, ‘what is financial freedom?’
He said, “having money to get everything I wanted”
And I really agreed with him because we can define Freedom according to our own perception.

There are many things I needed but could not get it right now, they are:
INVESTMENT: I want to invest in the following:
-Splinterlands: I have been striving to invest in splinterlands. When the validator node started last year, I wanted to get one node so that I can continue to get rewards; I could not get it due to financial constraint.
When another opportunity was opened which is still going on right now. I felt like to burn more than 500,000 DEC or DEC-B; I could not burn more than 10,000 DEC.

Cryptocurrency: there are many coins I have written down to get. When the bitcoin was $14,000 was the perfect moment for me to get them; I did not have money to get those coins. There are some of those coins that are still cheap to get right now; yet, I have no money to get them. My concern is that, I may not be able to get the coins as cheap as they are right now if the bull starts.

Building my Hive Power (HP): instead of building my hive power, I'm eating it. If I have enough money right now, I would get enough hive in the market and power it up. I know it is the best time to get hive because of the price of hive.
The price of Hive right now is 0.29-0.30 which is affordable. I know that if I get it right now, it will be an investment for me later.

I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale

thank you for reading my post.

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