Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge: Keep Your Distance

Hello warriors, how are you doing today? Hope you are good? I wanted to make this post yesterday but I was occupied playing splinterlands game and trading. I had to play my brawl today before I wrote this article because it was very important.


Keep Your Distance: Monsters with melee attacks may not be used.
One thing that came to my mind whenever I saw keep your distance is ‘no melee monsters’. The best Summoner to use is Owster Rotwel because of its magic reflect ability. The battle I won a few days ago, I used Obsidian Summoner which gives +1 additional magic attack to friendly monsters while my opponent used Owster Rotwel. As my monsters were attacking opponent monsters, the health of my monsters were damaged by magic reflection. That's how all my monsters were damaged and destroyed.
Afternoon I understood the battle, I decided to use Alric Stormbringer because of Djinn Oshannus.

Heavy Hitters: All monsters have the knockout ability.
If I didn't have a stun ability monster in my water splinter, I would have used it. I only have a monster with stun ability. I'm an earth splinter. I love monsters with stun ability, it is wonderful in this kind of battle. If I have such a monster, it would have been very easy for me to win because it would have stunned my opponent Summoner.

Holy Protection: All monsters have the divine shield ability.
When a battle contains this kind of ability, the first attack doesn't damage health or armor; that was the reason the first attack in this battle did not damage health.

click here to watch Keep your distance


Alric Stormbringer
Splinter: Water 💦
Level: 4
Ability: All friendly magic attack monsters have +1 magic attack.
Back to basics can only affect monsters not summoners, that was the reason I used Alric Stormbringer in this battle.
The ability of Alric Stormbringer was very important in this battle; and that was the reason all my monsters had +1 additional magic attack.

Venari Markstrat
Splinter: Neutral
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
Speed: 1 🚤
Ability: Martyr
Health: 3 ❤️❤️❤️
Armor: 2 🪖🪖
Attack: Range
Mana: 3

This is the best battle to use Venari Markstrat, I knew most of the monsters would attack in the first position; and that was the reason I used Venari Markstrat in the first position.
I knew that Venari Markstrat would increase the stats of Djinn Oshannus, and my primary aim was to increase the stats of Djinn Oshannus.
When Venari Markstrat was destroyed, all the stats of Djinn Oshannus increased which gave the monster more power to withstand opponent monsters.
From the first round of the battle to the last round, it was only Venari Markstrat that was destroyed.

Djinn Oshannus
Splinter: Water 💦💦
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
Speed: 5 🚤🚤🚤🚤🚤
Ability: Void and Phase
Health: 11 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Armor: 2 🪖🪖
Attack: Magic
Mana: 8
Oshannus became very strong when Venari Markstrat, which made it difficult to eliminate in this battle. As we can see, it became so difficult to attack Djinn Oshannus.
Initially, Djinn Oshannus’ health was 3; by the time Venari Markstrat was destroyed, its health increased to 4. Opponent's Venari Markstrat missed the attack because of how strong Djinn Oshannus was. In the second round when the opponent's Djinn’s health left with 3, my Djinn Oshannus' was left with 12.
One of the reasons I used Djinn Oshannus in this battle was the phase and void ability. River Nymph could not damage the health of my Djinn Oshannus because of the void ability. Most of my opponent's! monsters had 2 magic attacks; hence, they could not damage the health of my Djinn Oshannus due to the void and phase ability.

Nerissa Tridawn
Splinter: Water 💦💦
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
Speed: 2🚤🚤
Ability: None
Health: 10 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Armor: 2 🪖🪖
Attack: Magic
Despite not having any ability, the impact of Nerissa Tridawn was massive. The two factors i selected Nerissa Tridawn were:
The Health: I already thought that my opponent! might use monsters with blast ability. When I saw my opponent's lineup, I saw two monsters with blast ability- Riverboat Captain and Flagulon Reine.
I knew that it would take a long time before the blast ability could damage Nerissa Tridawn. if I have used Merdaali Guardian or Venari Wavesmith, they might be destroyed.
Magic attack: The Magic attack was too massive. Nerissa Tridawn was the only monster with the highest magic attack; but when Venari Markstrat was eliminated, the magic ability of Djinn Oshannus was increased.

Venari Wavesmith
Splinter: Water 💦💦
Level: 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 3 🚤🚤🚤
Ability: Protect
Health: 4 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Armor: 2 🪖🪖
Attack: Magic
If there was an alternative monster to use, I wouldn't have used Venari Wavesmith. This was because ‘protect’ was not important in this battle. But the magic was very important in this battle and that was the reason I used Venari Wavesmith.

Merdaali Guardian
Splinter: Water 💦💦
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
Speed: 3 🚤🚤🚤
Ability: Tank Heal
Health: 3 ❤️❤️❤️
Armor: 2 🪖🪖
Attack: Magic
Mana: 3
Tank heal was important to keep Djinn Oshannus in this battle. I knew that the Merdaali Guardian was very important; the monster kept Djinn Oshannus from this battle from elimination.

Doctor Blight
Splinter: Neutral
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
Speed: 1 🚤
Ability: Camouflage, poison and Affliction
Health: 4 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Magic
Mana: 4
I needed this monster so bad because of his poison and affliction. It poisoned opponent's Djinn Oshannus which made it easy to eliminate.
The major reason I used Doctor Blight was the poison and affliction.
It also poisoned Riverboat Captain, Venari Markstrat, Flagulon Reine and River Nymph. It poisoned all monsters that he attacked in this battle.

Round 1

I already know that the first or second monster would be a strongest monster. This kind of battle have Two kinds of strategy.
The first strategy is to use a monster with taunt and void ability in the first position or middle. Middle is very nice because at times most players focus on first position. There was a battle I fought sometimes ago, I thought I have won the battle because I used my best monsters. To cut the story short: I was defeated by a player with lower collection than mine.
use a monster with magic reflection: A monster like Prismatic Energy. The last time I came across Level 4 of prismatic energy in a battle, it was a tough battle. This kind of a monster is good for this battle.
I'm round one, my Venari Wavesmith was eliminated and that was the first monster that was destroyed.

Round 2

There was no monster that was eliminated in second round but at the beginning of round 3, Opponent's Djinn Oshannus was eliminated. I knew my victory was sure the moment Djinn Oshannus was eliminated. I was very happy because I knew there was no way my opponent could win this battle. It was like a battle when the strongest monster is eliminated, it will be very easy to destroy others.

Round 4

When Djinn Oshannus was eliminated, it was very easy to destroy other monsters. Riverboat Captain led the lineup on round 4 and was eliminated in round 5.

Round 5

In the beginning of round 5, Venari Markstrat was eliminated by poison ability.

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The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
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