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It is good to read rules before your battle; that is how one can understand the battle rules. 😠😠The ferocity ruleset was initiated some time ago. It was part of the new rules that were added to @splinterlands, but I wasn't paying attention to it.

The first time I was given a ‘ferocity’, I did not pay attention to the rule until the battle was done. The moment I saw that I was given high mana in that battle, I selected a water summoner which gave me advantage to use my choice monsters; and one of those monsters was the Kraken. I selected The Kraken as the first monster so that all opponent monsters could attack my🐽🐽 Kraken; not knowing that I was given my opponent opportunity to defeat me.
To make the kraken stay long in that particular battle, I added merdalin Guardian to keep adding certain number of health to Kraken so that the kraken could stay longer in the battle.
My surprised was that after 3 attacked from opponent monsters; the kraken was eliminated in the battle, and since the monster I used as a bait was eliminated, I don’t need to watch the the battle to the end. Therefore, I skipped the battle.
This defeat made me went to the battle read rule and read it carefully.
I did not understand the rule because it wasn’t stated that ‘only taunt monsters take double damage’.
It stated that ‘all units have the fury ability’.
Therefore, I wasn’t careful with the rule. When I was given the rule for the second time, the moment I saw high mana, I selected a taunt monster because taunt monsters seemed one of the monsters with long life. Most of the taunt monsters possessed high amount of health. The bad news was that what happened to me in the first battle also happened to me again. I was defeated hands down in that battle again.
Celebrate New Year GIF by San Diego Zoo
Since then, I carefully read the battle rules before selecting monsters; and the moment I see Ferocity, taunt monsters are out of that battle.
It seems that the Ferocity rule goes with high mana; most time I came encounter with ‘ferocity rule’ the mana used to be very high; and this made me to for monsters with high mana.
Yeah! I can’t select monsters with lower mana when I’m giving high mana in battles.
From ferocity ruleset, I learned that it is very important to understand the ruleset before embarking on battles, it will give you better understanding on which monsters to use and which monsters are not probable in such a battle.
After I clearly understood ‘ferocity ruleset’, I have preferred to use certain monsters and summoners.
One of the monsters I used was Kelya Freindul, the speed and armor provided to all friendly monsters made me choose preferred this summoner than other summoner in @splinterlands. I knew that when opponent uses melee and range monsters; they attack the armor before the health unless when monsters or a summoner that have piercing ability is used in battles.
Another monster I love to use is Alric Stormbringer, this monster gives additional magic attack to all friendly magic attack monsters. With the help of this summoner, it is very easy for me whenever I play an opponent in a Ferocity ruleset.
What matters most in this battle is your skills💪. If you’re a skillful player, you won’t think twice of the best summoner and monsters to use when giving ‘ferocity rule’ in battles; and if you’re experienced, you will understand the rule better because you might have come across the ruleset in countless times.


Stampede: The trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trample monster is killed.

Ferocity: All monsters have the fury ability.

Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.
Don’t forget that I said that I love to use specific summoners; in this particular battle, if I used Kelay Fredul, I might not win this battle because the battle does not need monsters with high speed🔥🔥.
One of the skills used in this battle was using monsters with lower speed; this method is one of the best ways to win this battle. You could see those monsters with lower speed attack first in this battle. If he used monsters with lower speed, he would have had an upper edge than me in this battle.
Another method was to nullify taunt monsters: using taunt monster would have been the greatest mistake because such a monster would have taken double damage from all friendly monsters. ⚔️⚔️

👉👉click here to watch ferocity

This is one of my brawl battles I play recently.; and I love this battle so much
Uriel The Purifier

Splinter: Life
Level: 1⭐
Ability: Recharge
I preferred to use Uriel than a taunt monster; I knew Uriel the Purifier would be a good advantage to me. One of the advantages I chose Uriel the Purifier over other monsters to lead this battle was the health and armor. 6 armor and 10 health were significant.
Only if my opponent selected magic monster that attack in the first position could eliminate Uriel the Purifier.
Well! I had the hunch that my opponent would use melee and ranged attacked, and he would not use only magic attack monsters.
Therefore, I knew it would be difficult to eliminate Uriel the Purifier in this battle.
Fortunately, Urile the Purifier was not eliminated in this battle.

⚔️⚔️Adelade Brightwing✅✅

Splinter: Life
Level: 1⭐
Ability: Repair
This is just one of the best skills when reverse speed is given; you need to select monsters with lower speed and that was my reason for selected Adelade Brightwing. Because of her lower speed, she was the second monster that attacked in this battle.
Given armor to all friendly monsters was an added advantage; it made it difficult for opponent’s melee and range monster monsters to eliminate my monsters at once.
If not for the armor, Adelade would have been eliminated by Magi Necrosi and Runic Skyclaw in round one.
Repairing the armor of Uriel, the Purifier made it solid and unmovable in the first position.

⚔️⚔️Captain Katie✅✅

Splinter: Life
Ability: Bloodlust
The first reason for selected Captain Katie was the lower speed of two; and the second reason was the Bloodlust ability.

⚔️⚔️Divine Healer✅✅

Splinter: Life
Level: 2⭐⭐
Ability: Tank heal
That was another way to keep Uriel the Purifier saved in this battle; since I was using Uriel the Purifier in lower brawl, I Could not use level 3 of this monster which possessed healing ability. Therefore, Divine healer is the monster that could keep this monster in this battle.
I knew that if Uriel the Purifier were eliminated, my chance of winning this battle would have been slim. It was the best decision to keep Uriel the Purifier alive in this battle.

⚔️⚔️Djinn Renova✅✅

Splinter: Life
Level: 2⭐⭐
Ability: Strengthen
I need to defend the back position from sneak monsters; when i was selecting monsters in this battle, there were availability of different types of monsters in this battle-sneak, snipe, and opportunity monsters with magic, melee and range attacks. This made me to protect my back by using Djinn Renova as the second to the last; so that it would take long time for opponent monsters to eliminate other monsters from behind.
By the end end of the battle, Djinn Renova was not eliminate.

⚔️⚔️Furious Chicken✅✅

Splinter: Neutral
Level: 2⭐⭐
This is the only monster that was not attacked in this battle; it was selecetd to dealy from the back position of the battle.

How do I see Ferocity rule
It is a good rule but a player has to be strategic and skillful. Since I understand this rule better now, I will love to be paired with other players in this ruleset.

In conclusion, one of my problems in this rule is that I easily forget not to include a taunt monster. The moment I see more than 37 mana in a battle, my mind goes for a taunt monster.
I have learned that when ferocity is given, it is not necessary to use a taunt monster because it takes double damage from opponent’s monsters.

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I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale

The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands.

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