That One Job: A Glimpse Beyond the Glitz of Porn industry

Life often throws opportunities our way, some draped in gold and some veiled in ethical conundrums. Every now and then, we're faced with choices that challenge our moral compass and the essence of who we truly are. For me, that challenge came in the form of an offer from a gym buddy – becoming a partner in the Japanese Adult Video (JAV) industry. It might raise a chuckle or a brow, but it's a true story.

Japan's prolific endeavors in producing adult videos are no secret. The industry is a prominent one, with many considering it a fast track to affluence. Indeed, when I first heard of the lucrative payment, it was hard not to be momentarily swayed. Add to that tales of having to maintain a certain physical 'readiness' through medicinal aids and enduring lengthy film sessions, and the job appeared as demanding as any mainstream profession.


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But, here's the thing – it wasn't the rigorous demands of the job that turned me away. It was a more profound, intrinsic reason. My conviction steered me away from becoming a cog in an industry which I believed could potentially propagate harm. If I engaged in such acts, wouldn't I be endorsing a medium that might influence perceptions about relationships, objectification, and more?

At this juncture, I feel compelled to clarify – this is not a judgment on those who choose this profession. Our life journeys, circumstances, and personal narratives vary. But for me, diving into the JAV world would be equivalent to forsaking some deep-seated beliefs I hold dear.

The allure of money, while strong, often clashes with non-monetary values – ethics, personal comfort, and the essence of right and wrong. And it's in these crossroads that our true character shines. Would I be able to live with myself, knowing I might be contributing to someone's skewed perception of intimacy? The answer was a resounding 'no'.

Through this reflection, my hope is to inspire readers to introspect about their own boundaries and the essence of their self-worth. It's easy to get entangled in the glitter of momentary gains, but it's imperative to pause and ponder – at what cost?

For those who, out of compulsion or choice, find themselves considering jobs that might conflict with their core beliefs, I offer empathy and understanding. It's crucial to always prioritize personal well-being and mental sanctity. There's no one-size-fits-all in life's journey; the key is to navigate it with authenticity and integrity.

In essence, while the world might often judge us by our professional choices, it's the choices we decline that often define us more. Remember, true wealth isn't just what fills our pockets but what enriches our souls.


This is my participation on topic of Hive Learners called That One Job

What's that one job that you'll never do? No matter how attractive the pay is, you won't still do it. Why that job in particular? Do you have a bad experience with it in the past?

Who am I?

My name is Hiro a loving husband, a Hiver since 2017, a world explorer, a Hive marketer, a cat lover, and a proud Christian of the MCGI.

I discovered Hive back in 2017 when I was doing my research. My goal on Hive is I want to use the stake power up to be able to help the community. I prayed to God to help me to be able to become a cheerful giver to anyone who is lacking like food, medicine, and livelihood. Hope you can follow my journey

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