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My favorite sport is volleyball

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Volleyball definitely has to be best sport game because I engage and participate in the game. Other games like basketball, lawn tennis, football can follow.Volleyball is a very famous game played all over the world. This game is very easy to play and is equally fun and enjoyable.
Volleyball is a game that is played between two teams of six players. This game was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan and has been a part of the Olympics since 1964. Mastering this game requires hard work, dedication, and stamina. It can be played on a court or the sand. Volleyball played on sand is often called beach volleyball. This game was mainly played and developed in the countries of the United States of America, the Philippines, and Canada.

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The game of volleyball starts when one player of a team, standing behind the back boundary line of the court, begins a rally by serving the opposite team with the ball. The ball must travel to the side of the opposition team without touching the net. The receiving team must prevent the ball from falling on the ground and pass it onto the court of the opponent. Each team gets to touch the ball a maximum of 3 times amongst the team members before passing it to the other team. However, an individual player can only touch a ball once before passing. The rally continues unless a team makes the ball fall on the ground of the opposition or one team commits a fault and loses. Some faults can include touching the net, more than the allowed number of touches by the team or a player of the team, stepping outside the court boundaries, and so on. Each time a team wins the serve, they must rotate. The entire team is required to switch the sides moving in a clockwise manner with one player moving in a front line whereas another player moving to the backline.

As an active partaker in the game, it is highly recommended for ladies as it eases a lot of stress and energizes you.

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