Schooling and Good Grades a Measure of Human Intelligence?


Hello Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today šŸ˜Š. Thank you once again šŸ’•

There's actually no doubt that we all have different view or opinion when it comes to defining human intelligence. To most people, being intelligent connotes having good grades in school by passing all exams with flying colours. Well, I'm not really astonished about this fact because that's the ubiquitous method of defining intelligence by most people since it already involves the words "school" and "grades".

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Anyways, there's actually more to the word "intelligence" as it doesn't necessarily involves "schooling" or "grades". This is why we need to understand some concepts such as "education", "literacy", and "school" because these three words are highly required to be understood before defining Human Intelligence as related to Schooling.

Understanding The Three Vital Concepts


Understanding the three vital concept (education, literacy and schooling) will definitely enable you develop a new perception about human intelligence. I will be explaining these three concepts below in summary.

My Definition of Education

Education is an act in which the teacher or tutor shares his or her knowledge to the learner or student about a specific information for the main purpose of learning. This connotes that education isn't only limited to schools or academy alone. There are different means by which people get educated such as learning a new skill, learning how to speak another language, learning how to write and many others.

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We can safely conclude that education is the act of acquiring or learning a specific knowledge you don't know about from an expert or teacher. This knowledge can be anything and shouldn't be limited only to the things being taught in school. This also implies that you don't necessarily need to go to academic schools before you become educated and this is why i also need to make you understand what schooling is all about.

My Definition of a School

A school on the other hand can be defined as any institution where learning or education takes place. This simply connotes that a school houses both the teacher and the students for the main purpose of learning. There are different important features or attributes a good school must posses but the most important of it all is that a school must be highly conducive for learning.

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Since a school houses both the teacher and the students, i hope you will agree with me that a school isn't only limited to college, university, polytechnics, etc.. We can also have schools like programming schools, commercial school for business skills, Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology school, fashion designing school, graphic design school and many others like that. What really matter is the fact that a tutor or teacher is sharing his or her knowledge to non knowledgeable students and remember this type of knowledge can be any form of knowledge or skills.

My Definition of Literacy

The last but not the least concept is Literacy. Literacy in a layman definition simply means the ability to read and write but I will definitely literacy as the ability to read, write and communicate successfully with people. It is quite unfortunate that in our world today, most people tend to mistake the meaning of education for literacy in the sense that once they see you going to an academic school, they already assume you are a literate while people who don't have access to academic schools to study are always seen as an illiterate. This is a misconception that needs to be corrected! The sad truth is that you can be educated and still be an illiterate in some part of the world and at the same time you can be an illiterate and still be educated too. This is why I do say not all literates are educated and not all illiterates are uneducated.

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Literacy is majorly all about language proficiency. You can be a literate in English Language and be an illiterate in Arabic or Chinese Language. This is one of the major reason behind some people learning other languages before travelling to a specific country because they don't want to be an illiterate when they relocate to another county or a different place. We need to understand the fact that an illiterate can be more skilled and educated than someone whom we consider to be a literate just because he or she is privilege to attend college or university or polytechnic.

Getting Back to The Major Topic

Now let's answer the big question stated on this content Topic which states that "Is Going To School and Getting Good Grades a Measure of Human Intelligence?" šŸ¤”

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Well, it's actually 30% YES a 70% NO for me. It is a 30% YES for me because for you to have made good grades in your school, it implies that you've been performing extraordinarily well in your school assessments (exams and tests) provided you didn't engage in any form of malpractice to buy your way to the top. There's also definitely no doubt that most people who are class toppers are always seen as the most intelligent people when compared to their peers in the classroom. The same method is quite used often when it comes to conducting job interviews or checking one's level of intelligence, so it's actually a 30% YES for me to corroborate with the fact that going to school and getting good grades can be a measure of human intelligence.

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On the hand, it's actually a 70% NO for me because human intelligence doesn't necessarily has to do with going to school and getting good grades. It has to do with your level of creativity and how capable you are when it comes to solving human problems. This explains why most of the successful inventors we all celebrate today were mostly not class toppers while some even had to drop out from school just to make the world a better place. A good example is Mark Zuckerberg (the inventor of Facebook) who had to dropout from Havard University in order to develop a global communication method through Facebook. I also know of some other successful people such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Kanye West, Oprah Winfrey, Jack Dorsey, Henry Ford and many others. These set of people had to dropout from school in order to pursue their passion and to achieve their goal(s) by making a positive impact to the lives of people.

In Summary and Conclusion

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The fact that you are privileged to attend college or complete your degree with top grades in class shouldn't give you an impression to look down on others who never had such opportunity. Also, human intelligence isn't necessarily measured by the number of As or distinctions you might have acquired in school, i believe it is measured by the number of lives you have impacted through your knowledge and mostly importantly your ability to solving or creating solutions to human problems.

What do you think about this? I will love to learn from you as regards the topic at hand. Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section below

About Me

I am Adebola by name and I'm also a graduate of Agricultural Engineering (BSC). I am someone who cherish self development and being productive is in my DNA, this is why I am always open to learning from anyone and I love making research. I have been in the crypto space for the past five years and my level of enthusiasm for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology keeps increasing day by day. My hobbies are reading, writing, eating, engaging in agricultural operations, travelling, designing and blogging. My skills include Content writing, Graphic Design, UI/UX (Product) Deisgn, Copywriting, Internet Marketing, Blogging, Research and Coding (Novice). Feel free to connect with me via;
Discod: Hardaeborla#103

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Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla


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