Observing Nature's Changes: A Reflection on Seasons and Environmental Responsibility


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Dear Hive friend and Hive Learner Memebers,

Nature is great and has blessed us with many things, although we often fail to appreciate it and, most of the time, end up destroying it knowingly or unknowingly. The changing weather and seasons are among the greatest gifts of nature. While most places around the world experience four seasons, we are lucky enough to have six. These six seasons include Spring (pleasant and warm), Summer (hot), Monsoon (rainy), Autumn (mild and dry), Pre-Winter (cool), and Winter (cold). The reason for having six seasons is connected to religion and cultural beliefs. Let's not delve too deeply into the specifics but instead, let's appreciate the diversity and beauty that nature has provided for us. Each season lasts for two months, with Spring starting from March to April. The sequence is as mentioned above.

We are in the month of February and will enter March after one week. We are in the winter season now, or more precisely, we are at the end of the winter season and will enter spring within a week's time. The winter season is extremely cold in the northern part of the country, with average temperatures at 20 degrees Celsius. The lowest temperature observed in my area this time was around 2 degrees Celsius. Winter started late this time, but the peak was extreme compared to last year's. The lower temperature observed in my city broke the record of the last 12 years. I have not experienced such chilly weather in the last couple of years. I lived for 10 years in the western part of the country, which does not experience cold waves as the area is near the sea. However, after getting transferred near to my native place, we shifted to the northern side. The most difficult part was for my kid. She was not used to such cold weather; she is 5 years old, and many times I saw her praying for the winter to go away. Many times she asked me why we are here and not going back because of the chilling weather.

As I mentioned, the winter season has shifted this year, and this is not the only weather pattern that has been disturbed. The rainy season also started late, and when it started, it was worse than average. The area was badly affected by floods. The winter season ends in February after raining in this month. But this year, the raining was accompanied by hailstorms. Hailstorms caused damage to crops, which is not normally the case. This season, it happened twice in two weeks' time. I am out of town for some official work, and last night when I called my wife, she told me that there was another hailstorm.

The environment is changing, and it affects our surroundings, including the weather. The extension of seasons is a result of this. The rise in mercury during summer every year and the fall in mercury every winter season compared to previous seasons are the result of this. At our level, we can adopt some habits and processes that can contribute to the betterment of the environment and weather. First is the plantation of trees. We all should plant at least one tree, and our duty does not end just by planting. Taking care of it afterward is also our duty. Second is the use of less plastic and fossil fuels. Plastic does not decompose easily and harms the environment in many ways. The excessive use of fossil fuels adds harmful gases to the environment, which causes changes in weather.

What are your views let me know in comment section. Have you witnessed similar incident?

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