Finding Stability and Benefits in a Competitive Work Environment

Dear Hive Friend and Hive Learner Members,


We all do some work to earn money and for living. It may be for ourselves, like having our own business, or for others, like having a job. The workplace is where we spend most of our day. If I talk about myself, on average, I spend about 9 hours at the office, including travel time and lunch/tea breaks. This also means that it is important for the environment and working conditions to be good, since we spend a major part of our lives in offices. A good environment creates a healthy atmosphere and not only increases employee productivity but also fosters a bond between the company and its employees. In today's time, most people are running after money, and the same goes for companies or organizations, as their upper management represents them as humans.


For me, the first aspect is work-life balance. We earn for the family, and if we are not able to spend time with family, then the one we earned is not of much use. But in today's work pressure, it's not easy as the management asks us to complete the work within unexpected time frames. To complete the work in the given time means you have to extend the working hours. Here, the main conflict starts arising between office life and personal life.

Today, I am working in a good reputed organization, but like all other places, the work pressure is always there. I am not saying working under pressure is not my cup of tea. I can handle it, and my philosophy is that we perform well under moderate work pressure, but excessive work pressure creates problems for professional life, mental health, and personal life. Such incidents sometimes create big issues and become the reason for family disturbance.

I always remember my previous organization when it comes to work-life balance. Everyone was very punctual regarding the in and out punching. People came on time and left the office on time. Nobody was asked to stay back, and there was no unnecessary work pressure on anyone.

This is not the case with my current organization, as we always work under work pressure. Completing the project on time, as decided by upper management, is the bosses' first priority. This also affects the quality of the product.


The three things I like about my current organization are the job assurance, the medical benefits, and the salary we receive every month. The salaries are also very competitive compared to the market. I am working in a well-reputed organization in the country, and I have not seen any employees being fired without a significant reason. This gives a sense of stability in life. The medical benefits are also very good, with a cashless facility in some hospitals and reimbursement available for other hospitals. In today's time, medical expenses take up a significant portion of our earnings, and I am happy that our organization takes care of this.

We used to work six days a week, but recently our management has agreed to alternate Saturdays off, except during the last quarter of the financial year. This is a good step towards work-life balance.


Every one has some advantages and disadvantages and in same way every work place also has advantages and disadvantages. No one is perfect and so so no work place is perfect. I decided and apply for the personal request for the transfer in the unit near to my native place and it was understood to me that it will effect my professional growth but on other hand I was also knowing that I will be bear to my parents and relatives which enhance my social and personal life. Some time its our own decisions and we have to decide as per our priorities. In my case I give more priority to my family and I am happy with my decision, although the working environment is not equal to the previous location and the officials tourig is more because of the project I am involved.


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