30 Common Text Abbreviations | Hindi & English Meaning with Examples | Abbreviation List for Students - Part1 Series

Hey All,

Struggling to understand popular text abbreviations? In this post, I am going to share part 1 of the series: 30 Common Text Abbreviations | Hindi & English Meaning with Examples. This first part covers the first 10 common text abbreviations, which should help anyone trying to learn English with the help of Hindi translations. Whether you're a student or just want to stay updated on texting lingo, this list will help! The best part is that these post series are going to be pictorial which is more easy to understand. So lets get started::

1 LOL - Laughing Out Loud

LOL का Full Form है- Laughing Out Loud .
यानि ज़ोर से हंसना.

इसका Sentence Example है.

  • That joke was hilarious, LOL (Laughing Out Loud)!
  • वो मजाक बहुत मजेदार था, LOL (ज़ोर से हंसना)!

2 BRB - Be Right Back.

BRB का Full Form होता है - Be Right Back.
मतलब - अभी वापस आता हूँ.

इसका Sentence Example है.

  • I need to take a call, BRB (Be Right Back).
  • मुझे एक कॉल लेनी है, BRB ( अभी वापस आता हूँ).

3 OMG - Oh My God

OMG का Full Form है- Oh My God. हे भगवान.

Sentence Example है.

  • OMG (हे भगवान) , I can’t believe you did that!
  • OMG ( Oh My God), मुझे यकीन नहीं हो रहा कि तुमने ऐसा किया!

4 BTW - By The Way

BTW का Full Form होता है - By The Way
वैसे - यानि हिन्दी मे बात करते समए जब हम किसी से कहते है अरे वैसे तुमने सुनना क्या क्या हुआ है?

Sentence Example है.

  • BTW (By The Way ), did you complete your assignment?
  • BTW (वैसे ), क्या तुमने अपना असाइनमेंट पूरा किया?

5 IDK - I Don’t Know

IDK का Full Form है - I Don’t Know.
मुझे नहीं पता.

Sentence Example है.

  • IDK ( I Don’t Know ) what time the meeting is.
  • IDK(मुझे नहीं पता) मीटिंग का समय क्या है।

6 TBH -To Be Honest

TBH का Full Form है -To Be Honest.
सच्चाई तो यह है.

Sentence Example है.

  • TBH (To Be Honest ), I didn’t like the movie.
  • TBH (सच्चाई तो यह है ), मुझे वो फिल्म पसंद नहीं आई।

7 TMI - Too Much Information.

TMI का Full Form है - Too Much Information.
ये तो बहुत ज्यादा जानकारी है.

Sentence Example है.

  • That’s TMI (Too Much Information ), I didn’t need to know all that!
  • ये TMI (बहुत ज्यादा जानकारी ) है, मुझे ये सब जानने की ज़रूरत नहीं थी!

8 FYI - For Your Information

FYIका Full Form है - For Your Information.
आपकी जानकारी के लिए.

Sentence Example है.

  • FYI ( For Your Information), the meeting has been postponed.
  • FYI (आपकी जानकारी के लिए) , मीटिंग स्थगित कर दी गई है।

9 ASAP - As Soon As Possible

ASAP - का Full Form है - As Soon As Possible.
जितनी जल्दी हो सके.

Sentence Example है.

  • Please send me the file ASAP ( As Soon As Possible).
  • कृपया मुझे फ़ाइल ASAP (जितनी जल्दी हो सके) भेजें।

10 IMO - In My Opinion

IMO का Full Form है - In My Opinion.
मेरी राय में.

Sentence Example है.

  • IMO (In My Opinion), we should cancel the trip.
  • IMO (मेरी राय में), हमें यात्रा रद्द कर देनी चाहिए।

This should be it for todays post on 30 Common Text Abbreviations | Hindi & English Meaning with Examples | Abbreviation List for Students" Part1 Series. See You in the Next Series...cheers

Don't forget to check out the full list of abbreviations in both Hindi and English.

PS:- This is the original work of my Youtube Channel LearnTogether

Lets' LearnTogther..


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