Poor Time Management Costs Alot

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Time is a crucial component of our lives that can't be reclaimed once lost, that's why it is important to make all time matter. Like people say Time is money it doesn't mean every sec time pays you but it means if you carefully spend your time correctly it may gain you money.


Having solid time management helps you arrange your activities and put everything in place. It makes you do the appropriate things at the proper time.
One reason for bad time management is procrastination. It just involves persuading yourself you have time. The funny part about time is that it can't be regained. A minute squandered is wasted forever. Like now we can never go back to 2022 since that time has gone. That's why we need to treasure time and make every good use of it.

Poor time management has actually cost us many things in life. I generally have this Procrastination problem, however I am working on myself to ensure I stop that. The I will spirit ruins lots.


So there was this test it was simple tho but overconfidence and procrastination kept making me claim i would read. Two days before the examinations I still wasn't scared and continued delaying. A night before the exam without any prior signs I began feeling feverish and a strong headache that I couldn't read. And even if I brought my book to read I couldn't understand anything so I simply kept my books, took medications and dozed off.
Due to the fact I didn't read or even revise the ones I already knew it was incredibly complicated and hard to even write. My luck was that I sat near to my friend who knew I wasn't feeling so great, thus he helped me.

Another incident where I mismanaged time was still in an exam.. Exams are a crucial scenario where poor time management might inflict more damage than good.
So in the exam we were required to answer 4 questions. It was a calculation course. I did know all of them tho but two from the four was really lengthy. I began with the short one i was sure about but on it i made error so i had to cancel everything and spent time on it. When it was already 30 minutes to the exam being done I hadn't even responded the rest too. I was rushing and things got more confusing. It made me unable to answer the remaining two. After the test I was quite sad because I didn't answer the compulsory exam question. I simply hoped at least I got a credit.
To my surprise when the result came out I got B. I was really delighted. Although I knew my test did benefit me and attendance. It was God who helped me and pledged never to take such risk again.

I learned my lesson to always provide time to each question in an ability to handle time and if I don't know any question I leave it for the other one and attend to the remainder later if time permits.

Thank you for reading

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