Newbies Task 2; More Insight Into Hive, Delving deeper

It's long overdue but surely better late than never. For the second cohort of the newbies initiative, a lot was thought and much ground was covered. Consequently my understanding of Hive, the Blockchain, and many things therein keeps getting better and better and I can only imagine the level I would be by the end of this initiative.

Thanks to the capable tutors who have taken time out of their busy schedule to handle this initiative and make it worth the while.

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Image was designed on Canva

How is hive different from other social media platforms like web 2?

Hive differs from other social media platforms in many ways one of which is the decentralised nature of hive. This means than no one person or group of persons is in charge of hive unlike other social media platforms which we know the owners or group of owners.

Also because of the decentralised nature, it is possible to earn from hive even without having a single follower or engagement on a post. One begins to earn from an introduction post. Unlike other social media platforms where a certain number of followers or engagement is required.

Hive also has various other front ends through which it can be assessed.


This is the act of taking stealing someone else's work and passing it off as yours. It could be an unsourced picture, an unreferenced sentence that was picked somewhere else on the net or in a book. It could even be a whole post. Regardless of the intention, plagiarism is wrong. No matter how important am information is, if you want to pass it across, make sure you give credit to whom it is due.

Vote begging:

This refers to an act of trying to attract curation to a post either by tagging curators or tagging big accounts with high voting power or outrightly begging for votes.

Post recycling;

Just as the name implies, this is the reposting of an old work with minimal or no changes to the post. This is prohibited on hive and doing this could result in severe punishment if caught.

In what ways ways is the use of tags relevant to your post?

Tags ensure that curators have eased of assess to posts and as such using the right tags ensure the right curators come across a post as this would enhance the chances of proper curation and visibility.

Also do you think that abuse of tags may attract downvote on your post?

Of course, as I learnt from the last class,it is very possible.

If yes, explain.

Using the wrong tags would make your post visible to the wrong curators. Also tagging big accounts would be seen as a type of vote begging and could result in the opposite of the expectation, a downvote. Hence, using appropriate tags is important both to display the post to the right audience and to avoid downvotes.

Five general tags

These tags are general purpose tags that can apply to a wide range of topics, posts and communities.

Markdowns are used to give organisation to a write up and also make it more pleasant to read, and follow. I used a few of those I have learnt in this post. There are many others too.

This is my submission for the Newbie Initiative.

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1 column