The first rain of the year after the heat struggle

After tossing and turning on the bed, without having a good sleep, my wet skin is physical evidence as to why, and no I'm not wet because I took a shower about 30 minutes ago, but due to the fact that my room has suddenly become an oven but when did I become a bread?

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The weather situation in my country

Someone said the gods are angry and unleashed the heat wave on Nigeria on social media a few days ago, I can't help but have a good laugh while feeling sad on the inside because the situation is terrible, I know they are exaggerating but the intense of heat we face now is proportional to the difficulty in our nation, maybe the gods are really angry. I've always heard about Global warming and its effects since in my elementary school science class, but never have we felt its impact as much as what we go through today with the current heat wave.

Reasons for the heat and possible solutions

The cause is not far-fetched from Urbanisation, in the quest to develop the nation, we sacrifice the eco-balance of nature, Deforestation being at the forefront, thereby leading to the depletion of the ozone layer which causes the intense heat wave we experience this season, it is a common knowledge that trees helps us in absorbing carbon which is the gas responsible for the depletion, the current weather situation will be an eye opener and make one see reasons to plant a tree today, you think we've seen intense heat? Think about our future generation, if we don't make necessary adjustments like the government enforcing every building, not just houses to plant a tree, it would help greatly in minimizing the effect and possibly restore balance to the ozone layer, This concern did not start today as we've been receiving a warning from environmentalist and other scientist knowledgeable in weather studies, but we didn't take them seriously. I hope we will do it now.

Further causes

Erratic power supply

Oh my dear country, we suffer from the most basic amenity, Electricity being one of them, because if we had a stable power supply, knowing that we are deeply into the dry season and heat is a must, we wouldn't feel the impact as much as we do, at least there would be our fans and air conditioner working to keep us cool, it's so sad that we have to suffer this situation and still pay expensive light bills on top of it all, going for alternatives like buying rechargeable fans and power generator are so expensive, especially with the increasing dollar-naira exchange rate, it has become unaffordable to not just low-income earners but all of us who would rather focus on our daily feeding as these alternatives are luxury to us these days.

It is high time the government fulfilled the promise of their campaign by restoring stable electricity, if other African countries like Ghana could make this a reality, how much more the giant of Africa, it's fine for them to stop bringing greedy and self-centered and truly put the concerns of the citizens to heart. Electricity not only help us curb the heat, it also aids businesses to be more productive thereby improving the countries economy, it's a win-win for us all if things are done right.

Rain Finally!

Early hours of this morning, I began to feel a cool breeze come from my room window, which startled my half-awake self, as I had already migrated to the cold tiled floor to reduce the heat effect, followed were the drizzle of rain, Hallelujah!, I screamed for joy forgetting my other house occupant, the first rain of the year in February, I hope this means the end of the intense heat wave, never have I been so happy to see the rain.

Thank you for reading.❤❤

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