An altercation I witnessed with an armed officer


The Arm forces are an integral part of a country, they are responsible for peacekeeping and the safety of the citizens, they also protect us in times of war.

Growing up at some point in my life, I've always thought of becoming military personnel, the Navy precisely because of an encounter I had with a Naval officer, a very pretty young lady, she was very tall and eloquent when she speaks, it felt as if words were falling out of the mouth of an angel, she had a hefty figure, still the way she gracefully carries herself made her very admirable. I met her during a road trip to my hometown with my dad, I was still very much young, I think about 14 years. The journey lasted for about 12 hours, so you could imagine, I had enough time with her before we finally departed to our various locations, but sadly, I didn't fulfill that dream as life nudged me in a different direction.

No one prays to get into an altercation with any of the arm forces, especially the military, because the repercussions can be very brutal, this weeks topic in the hive learners community took me back to the incident I witness just few days ago on my way make from church, our vehicle got halted by a tricycle rider who was dragging with a female passenger that refused to balance her transport fare, all pleas for the driver to leave the road for other vehicles to pass fell into wrong ears, he kept on displaying all sorts of irritable character with the lady to the annoyance of other transmuters who might be in a hurry to somewhere, since it was a narrow way, we couldn't move further, suddenly I saw him put his hand on his head and took a sprint, different men in army uniform pursued him, he might have sighted them come down from their vehicle, unluckily for him, he was caught, and his tricycle was towed away, he was going to be punished severely, no doubt, because they were already giving him heavy also on his face, for causing unnecessary traffic on a very busy road and not listening to the pleas of other passerby, the lady he was dragging with, took her leave unnoticed, I doubt if she even paid anything again because she still held the money the man threw back at her. The tricycle driver caused a huge problem for himself for a meager sum of 50 naira, I know the country is hard, but if he pitied the lady, he would have covered more than 50 naira for the time he wasted also the time of others, now he is going to spend the rest of his day at the military barrack and also koboless without money.

As for myself, I try to stay away from anything that will make me have an altercation with any of the armed forces because they can be very brutal when dishing out punishments to the offenders.

This post is in response to the hive learners weekly contest, week 64, edition 1.

Thank you for reading❤❤

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