A mismanaged time.

A well managed time yields enough time. Being a working class wife, I have in so many times mismanaged my time in one way or the other.

There was a time hubby requested for bitter leaf soup and I don't like to joke with hubby's request because those requests comes ones in a while.

I didn't plan properly as I had to order for goods in my shop and also for the soup but because they are both from different market places, I couldn't do both together. It was a busy day for me.

My shop is always busy from 6am to 10am in the morning because of the rush for work and school, while at night from 4pm to 10pm is also a very busy time for me, looking at this time frame I have only 6hrs to achieve both demand for my shop and then prepare the soup.

Image credit is mine

Shopping for my shop is always tasking for me, it takes a lot from, both mentally and physically even when I go with my list.

There is a big wholesale company that has it's price of goods the best in the market, it is always busy but less busy between 8am-9am. Now the challenge is making the decision between closing my shop at that time, so I can meet up with making the soup, and taking advantage of the morning business.
I left the shop around 10am, by the time I was done shopping it was late already. I hurried to buy things for the soup and then went home to prepare the soup, I need to be at shop at least before 5pm but I finished later than 5pm.

Hurriedly I jumped into the car and zoomed off, on getting to a roundabout almost to my shop I hit someone's car, you could literarily hear my heart pound so fast😬, we all came down from our cars and started arguing who was wrong or right but I apologised and then he accepted and we all moved on.

By the time I got to the shop it was almost 8pm, what a day? 😥

I had to unpack all the wares I bought, cross check them, fix their prices and also attend to my customers.

From that day onwards, every morning I pen down all that I have to do for the day and also make room for eventualities

Image credit is mine

As for my car my hubby had to pay heavily to fix it, he was a little mad at me when I narrated the whole incident to him 🤦‍♀️ because he always tells me to drive carefully.


My post as regards to #hivelearners community in response to the topic POOR TIME MANAGEMENT

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