Someone Has To Initiate The Change We Want...

Becoming a politician is one thing that had barely crossed my mind before because I find a lot of them quite annoying. 99% of these people are selfish and greedy; they only care about themselves and crave power just for their personal good.

Sometimes ago, I asked a lawyer while we were having a chat if there is a training politicians go through because the majority of them have things in common and probably they were taught to do these things because, if we look deeply, politicians are the same everywhere and just a few really want to have a good impact on society, but they are struggling. We barely notice the effort of the few good politicians since they are outnumbered, and we have seen the good ones being kicked out just because they refuse to assist the bad ones in carrying out their terrible plans.

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As a kid, I heard different mothers tell their children never to become politicians, and my mom isn't exempted. She always rang it in my ears back then because of the dirty things these people do for power, and luckily for mom, I grew up disliking politics. Despite growing up with so much hardship, I turned down an opportunity to join politics at a very young age.

Whenever my landlord was going to the CDA meeting, he always wanted me to accompany him, and I started assisting the CDA secretary with taking minutes.

One of the landlords who loved what I was doing wanted me to join a political party then and promised to help me secure a good role in one of the party's subdivisions. I could grow in ranks to become a representative of the party someday, but everything he said didn't interest me, and to make things worse, he said it was an opportunity for me to make a lot of money because there is money in politics.

Those days, I couldn't think of the fact that people are struggling while the politicians are spending lavishly by looting the country's wealth. I didn't want to be part of the corruption and their messy games, but after becoming an adult, I thought about that missed opportunity because it could have been an opportunity for me to change lives within my power eben though nothing is certain.

I know good politicians don't go pretty well in the game, but everyone can't run away from politics because things will never get better if we allow only the corrupt politicians to remain in power. At this stage in life and with the situation in Nigeria, becoming part of the country's politics is something I wouldn't hesitate to do, so if there is an opportunity to contest for a powerful position, I will grab it.

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My chances of winning is very slim since I wouldn't be involving myself in any shit but it's worth trying and it will do a lot of good if the people can see the potentials in me. It will definitely not be a do-or-die thing, as I will let the people make their own decisions on who they want to have in power. No aggressive campaign and would rather divert the funds to helping many struggling Nigerians due to the harsh economy. I know doing that would automatically mean a campaign, but it's not a temporary thing, and I will be looking forward to serving the people, not the other way around.

Gone are the days when I believed someone who suffered before attaining power would understand what the citizens were going through down there, but things don't work that way when it comes to politics. People easily forget what they have been through, but in my case, forgetting all the suffering isn't possible.

My goals are to bond with the people who have elected me, and they deserve a better life as a nation. It would be hard because I don't have any plans to join any cabal in politics, which is almost impossible because political cabals are capable of ruining your reign when you turn them down. Embracing them as well doesn't end well because they will eventually take control of your government while you become a puppet.

Like I mentioned earlier, politics is a dirty game that requires a dirty mind. I am not a fan, but someone has to step up if we really want the situation of the country to get better, and I wouldn't mind since I have always wanted the growth and progress of this great country.

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