Go hard or go home.

Most times, there are always two options left for us in every situation and regarding the contest, I am sharing a story I had to choose the hard way.

I do refer to myself as a lazy person but not in every situation. I was a victim of bullying in my junior secondary school, this act extended from school to the playing field at home because two of these bullies do come to play football there as well.

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It all started when I got into JSS 3, some grownups joined my school.

They seem to know each other and soon, they started influencing other students. I refused to be influenced, their way of life was opposite mine.

Constituting a nuisance in class, bullying younger students, and many other things they did. I wasn't disturbed so I had no reason to cross their line by reporting them.

We didn't have any issues until one of them swapped his damaged chair with mine, I asked him why and he threatened to beat me.

We exchanged words but fighting him isn't an option for me because I didn't stand a chance at all. The other bullies like him went on saying different rubbish just to make us fight but I didn't make the move.

My chair was returned to me and it went missing the next day. I searched everywhere but didn't find it, I was really sad. I knew they took it but I didn't have proof against them so I continued searching for the chair and I finally found it at the school field.

On returning it to the class, these guys came to fight me. I sustained an injury on my nose when I was punched and I made sure the one I held didn't go with an injury.

Teachers got involved and we were all punished for fighting in the school. I could have told the teachers what happened but it will look like I am scared so I didn't say anything.

I successfully lied to my mom about the nose, she would have followed me to the school if she knew I was bullied.

These guys disturbed me and it got to a point when I started feeling scared when going to school.

On a fateful day, I got to school, and one of the guys approached me. He said I should approach a particular guy among them and beg him to forgive me. I asked him why because I didn't do anything to them and he said that was the best option for me.

I refused and I got into another fight with them because every morning I have to look for my chair. One of them always said that my stubbornness will kill me one day but that didn't bother me because I was stubborn for the right reason.

On Friday, a senior in my school attended my church vigil. He is a drummer and I played drums as well.

He was surprised to see me drumming very well and we talked. The following day, the senior saw me having issues with those guys so he interfered and that was the last day they had anything to do with me.

These guys started avoiding me because they thought for that guy to have defended me, there is more to it. I am glad I didn't bend to their wish because I would have been one of their tools and backing out won't be easy.

It was tough but I am glad I didn't bend to their threats, it could have been worse for me and I am glad I met that senior who intervened.

Running to beg for mercy was the easiest way out of my situation but I choose the hard way which was standing against them.

I grew up reading bullying stories that led to the death of the victims and I am glad I didn't lose my life in the process. If I ever find myself in the same condition, I wouldn't hesitate to fight for myself.

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