Counting my blessings in 2022

It's should be a wrap for 2022 but it is not because a lot of things can happen in the space of the remaining days to the new year. It's been an amazing year regardless of the challenges or setbacks we have faced while journeying through the year.

Some people dwell on the disappointment the year brought and that prevented them from seeing the great things that happened to them in the year. I doubt if there is anyone who would say that he or she didn't face a bit of a challenge this year and yet, many are still grateful. Among the many, I am glad to be among those who still appreciate every little thing that happened to them.

Here are the few out of the many things I am happy about in the year 2022, aren't they worth it?

Counting my blessings in 2022..png

Image was designed by me

The gift of life.

When I was younger, a particular minister in our church usually complain about people's testimony. He use to say that if your testimony is about how God protected you throughout the week please don't come to the altar.

He discouraged people from sharing testimonies of how God protected them throughout the week. All he wanted people to talk about was how they made money and others.

It went on like that for quite some time until he fell victim to one chance and the whole church couldn't stop laughing when he was sharing his testimony. Surprisingly a lot of people don't count the gift of life as a big deal but it is.

On my way from Lagos Island to ikorodu yesterday, I saw two lifeless bodies on the road and a lot of things started coming to me. Many of those who started the year won't end it, being alive is not by my power and for every second I spend on earth, I will always count it as a blessing.

This isn't just about me, I grateful to God that I didn't lose any of my family members, or my friends online and offline throughout the year.

Good health.

For over 5 years now, I have always had one health challenge or another other but 2022 seems different. For the first time in a few years, I didn't have to bother much about my blood pressure.

It is the first time in a whole year that I didn't have a needle pierce through my skin to treat an illness. It's not like I didn't fall ill but God was faithful all through for me. I switched to herbs which are God's creation and they are working perfectly for me.

Successful farming season.

The first farming season this year was nothing to write home about, it really affected me and I almost got discouraged. It wasn't easy losing so much money but I didn't let that discourage me. I seek support from my crypto wallet and it was a success, in the end and I am glad I didn't give up because the second harvest brought a smile to my face.

I expected more though but I am glad the return helped me recover from my previous loss.

This post would be incomplete without counting Hive as a blessing because its impact on me can't be quantified. The platform has blessed me financially and in many other aspects.

Looking at 2022 without Hive, I wouldn't have learned a lot of things or met amazing people who have influenced me positively. Hive helped me improve my content and I can tell that I am a different writer from who I used to be.

The Hive learners community has had the biggest impact on me, should I emphasize on their contest, engagement, or interaction?

The community is as well a huge blessing for me and what can I say than a thank you to everyone or communities that have supported my journey on hive throughout 2022.

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