Don't go gossiping Stop bitch

"Moaning is Pointless, it is Unproductive and Nothing to achieve


Still struggling to get over the lost of my younger brother, my closest friend in the family.

Greetings to the family of this community and especially the curators. My today's post is born out of originality. Still in my local home town. I and my siblings are not too much conversant to our local home so, there's somehow element of misconception in the sense that, many persons in the village are not gainfully employed but, good in farming. I remember that once upon a time, the locals are given negative orientation that is capable of destroying humanity. Without putting into consideration of what bad orientation may bring to the future of younger generation, worst of all is the new style of living which politicians intensionally introduced to the political scene. So, in order to be on pay register of the political party, the people unknowingly edorse the destruction of the social and economic strength. The big wings allowed for open criticism and secret gossiping.

In my post of present, I want to use this moment of today's interaction to advise us to wake up to reality. A lesson I derived from one of my favorite 'Rules Book' with title, The Rules Of Work written by Richard Templar



Here we go...
don't gossip and don't bitch
Especially in the place of work.

In the book of the Rules Of Work, I learnt about other critical idea of life but in this presentation, I will preferd us to dwel in
Don't gossip and don't bitch
But did you actually know what truly happened in your last place of work? Let me put to explain with my last place of work before my self employed experience.

On one of my last official trip in my former work place, I and my colleagues had to put up in a same hotel but different rooms so, before bed time we share ideas of how work assignment can get done with ease. Some of the staffs decided to club while some prefer to go on holy note but all females said no clubbing. At about 3 am, we discovered that one of us, who happend to be the company HR was not found among us. Although, the club is not in the hotel where the staff lodged. A phone call was tried to get across to him but he wasn't answering. One of us adviced we should get to the hotel we put in then we can decide what to do next, we all hop in our offical van.

We arrived at the hotel some boarded the lift and some walk-climbed through the stresses to the wing we lodged at 10th floor and, behold, we met the HR by the stercase at the second floor kissing one of our female staff, Christiana.

While some of us are looking forward to deliver the assignment we came for, some are busy taking notes of how many times the HR and Christiana were seen playing love ❤️ play. Right in there we were made to discovered that Christiana is a married woman for many years with two kids. But on the dining table, the last night before going back to where we came from, the HR apologize for his conducts and adviced us to please keep what ever that is unofficial to ourselves and never to make it a public talk because, his private life style by any chance is not of anyone business, and we all agreed to play by rules.

We are back from the official trip. On a faithful day, one among us that travel, while in a launch table he was bent on basing his line of discussion on what happened between the HR and Christiana. He asked a question, should the two lovers be allowed to carry on the secret affairs? In turned, I asked him, "what's has the secret affairs got to do him or any of us? He promptly answers by saying that also has nothing to do with him as well.

As good as it may be, the secret affairs has nothing to do with anyone outside the said affairs, except the HR and Christiana or her husband. I made it known to anyone who is interested to know that, everyone must play by rules and, the rules says that you don't gossip. It doesn't say one shouldn't listen. You may find it interesting and knowing what's going on comes in useful sometimes. But there's is one part of this rules that really, really simple and that is, don't pass anything on to another. That's just it. Gossip stop with you. If you listen but don't pass it on to another or offer an opinion you will be seen as one of us rather than a party pooper. So, you don't need to be seen disapproving, merely don't pass anything along.
Gossiping is the occupation of idle minded people. Those who haven't got enough work to do are those who finds Joy in gossiping. It is also the domain of workers who have mindless jobs to do, jobs they can do without thinking and thus have to occupy themselves with inane chatter, title tattle, rumour, lies and malicious stories. Trouble is that if you don't join in you can be seen as server or stuck up. You have to look as if you gossip without ever doing it. Don't go getting all hoity, toity and telling everyone how silly they are doing it.

With most things discretion is the best food. Don't be seen disapproving just because you don't like it. Just don't do it, keep to yourself.

Again, I strongly advice you to stop moaning because, it's like being stupid and an idiot in a place. Moaning is a time wasting device invented by sadist who haven't enough work to do. It is also the same stand with gossiping, they stand side by side. And whenever they are done doing the ugly trends, they ll have a great gossip.

However, moaning is pointless. It is Unproductive and achieve absolutely nothing. So, bitching about others invariably takes place behind their backs. Next time you feel the need for a good bitch about someone make yourself go and do it. Once they are there you will stop bitching, it's too hard to keep doing it when you have upset everyone in the office. If you have got something to say , say it to their face. But if you can't say anything good, just keep shut. This is because, "Moaning is pointless and unproductive as it gives you nothing but nothing.

Thank you as we live to be a good person that is devoid of gossip and bitching. I think you also for your time and support.

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